Quiz: Depression | Smokefree


You aren’t having any major symptoms of depression. If you’re feeling down, you may just be having a few bad days or mood changes if you recently stopped smoking. These feelings should go away in a few days.

If you are concerned about your feelings or are still feeling sad after 2 weeks, you might want to talk to someone about how you’re feeling.

You have a few symptoms of depression. Right now, these symptoms may not be changing your daily life, but you’re probably aware of them. You might start looking for ways to help your mood.

Manage Your Mood

You could try talking to friends, family, or your doctor. You also might keep track of your symptoms. You could write down how you are feeling or take this quiz every 1 or 2 days. If your score goes up, your mood worsens, or the symptoms are causing problems in your life, talk to your doctor and get help.

How you’re feeling now isn’t how you’ll always feel. People do get better. There are many good treatments for depression. 

Smoking and Mood: They’re Linked

It’s common for smokers to use cigarettes to deal with emotions, but there are healthier ways to deal with these situations. Then learn how to boost your mood after you’ve quit.

You have some symptoms of depression. Right now, these symptoms are likely causing problems in your daily life. These problems may be big, like making it hard for you to take care of everyday activities and enjoy the things you usually do. You should get help right away.

Find Help

When you’re feeling depressed, it can be hard to have energy to make a phone call. But having support from others can be helpful. Try talking to your doctor or a therapist. They can help you get treatment to deal with depression. You can also try telling family and friends how you’re feeling.

How you’re feeling now isn’t how you’ll always feel. People do get better. There are many good treatments for depression.

Smoking and Mood: They’re Linked

It’s common for smokers to use cigarettes to deal with emotions, but there are healthier ways to deal with these situations. Then learn how to boost your mood after you’ve quit.

You have many symptoms of depression. Right now, the symptoms may be causing big problems in your daily life. It is probably very hard for you to take care of everyday activities and enjoy the things you usually do. You may even feel like you’re carrying a heavy weight that makes it almost impossible to get through your day.

Take This Seriously

Even if you don’t feel weighed down by your symptoms, try to do something about them as soon as possible. When you’re feeling depressed, it can be hard to even do small things to take care of yourself. But you should call your doctor or a mental health professional today. And try to tell family and friends how you’re feeling.

How you’re feeling now isn’t how you’ll always feel. People do get better. There are many good treatments for depression.

Smoking and Mood: They’re Linked

It’s common for smokers to use cigarettes to deal with emotions, but there are healthier ways to deal with these situations. Then learn how to boost your mood after you’ve quit.

You have very significant symptoms of depression. Right now, the symptoms may be causing you big problems in your daily life. It is probably very hard for you to take care of everyday activities and enjoy the things you usually do. You may even feel like you’re carrying a heavy weight that makes it almost impossible to get through your day.

Get Help Right Away

Even if you don’t feel weighed down by your symptoms, it is important to do something about them right now. When you’re feeling depressed, it can be hard to even do small things to take care of yourself. But you should call your doctor or a mental health professional today. And try to tell family and friends how you’re feeling.

How you’re feeling now isn’t how you’ll always feel. People do get better. There are many good treatments for depression.

Smoking and Mood: They’re Linked

It’s common for smokers to use cigarettes to deal with emotions, but there are healthier ways to deal with these situations. Then learn how to boost your mood after you’ve quit.

This quiz is not meant to tell you if you have major depression. This information does not take the place of seeing a mental health professional for a diagnosis.

Find Help 24/7

If you need help now, call a 24-hour crisis center at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) for free, private help or dial 911.

Sometimes people who are feeling depressed think about hurting themselves or dying. If you or someone you know is having these feelings, get help now.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)—a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services—runs both crisis centers. For more information visit the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website.

Para obtener asistencia en español durante las 24 horas, llame al 1-888-628-9454.

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