‎Quizlet: Learn with Flashcards

Madison is Great


Firstly: If you use a screen reader, you likely already know Quizlet has never been accessible on any platform whatsoever. But if you don’t know, don’t use the app. Use the web browser version if you have to and can, but if you somewhat use vision, you can use the app for class. The interface is awful on both, with or without a screen reader, but slightly less awful on browser if you use a screen reader. I’d go into detail, but if you use one you can find out without wasting my time. –– OTHER THAN THAT, if you have iPad, use that instead of the iPhone. Text size is a pretty wacky thing on Quizlet, so if you have medium-long words/phrases in your study set, you’ll want a bugger screen because bigger text doesn’t work out on the app or the web version. And now, unrelated to most of you reading: Since Quizlet’s younger days. It became another feature downgraded cash grab. If it’s worth it to you, no judgement there, but it won’t stop me from criticizing an app that has you pay for a randomized study quiz and a badge by your name, compared to many other apps with similar subscription rates and more variety of useful features. This one is just one of few known studying apps, which is why it’s worth it to people, whether they are happy about it or not. The app (Quizlet in general) is just limited in features, especially compared to what it used to be. But hey, maybe that’s just because I’m blind and all this app ever says to me is “Button.”

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