Sailing by Rod stewart | Songs and Lyrics


Sailing by Rod Stewart

“Sailing” is a song recorded by Rod Stewar for his 1975 album Atlantic Crossing. This page provides information about the song and links to the lyrics and the official video.

Sailing by Rod Stewart


Beginner and intermediate students.

Facts about the song

  • Song:
  • Album:
    Atlantic Crossing
  • Date of release:
  • Genre:
  • Length of the song:
    3 minutes and 53 seconds.
  • Writer:
    Gavin Sutherland

Interesting information about the song

Sailing” is a song written by Gavin Sutherland and recorded by The Sutherland Bros. Band . Released in June 1972, it can be found on their album Lifeboat released in the same year. Rod Stewart later recoreded the song in 1975.

The video

The Video

The lyrics

Full lyrics of this song

Language points

The song includes many interesting language points:

Eexpressions that may be useful to students:

  • I am sailing, I am sailing,
    home again ‘cross the sea.
    I am sailing, stormy waters,
    to be near you, to be free.

Source: Wikipedia

More lyrics here

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