Sam Smith, Demi Lovato go glam as they sing about love struggles in new single, ‘I’m Ready’

Sam Smith, Demi Lovato go glam as they sing about love struggles in new single, ‘I’m Ready’


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New Kelly Clarkson song, ‘I Dare You,’ comes in 6 different languages

Kelly Clarkson released a new song, “I Dare You,” in six different languages. She’s promoting the single while quarantined with her family in Montana.

Entertain This!, USA TODAY

Sam Smith and Demi Lovato want you to know they’re ready for love.

The duo dropped their new single, “I’m Ready.” It’s the first song from Smith’s upcoming third studio album, which has been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

That album, initially set to be titled “To Die For,” was on track to be released May 1, but Smith pushed the date back and said a new name would be forthcoming, citing “this weird, upsetting and unprecedented time.” 

“I’m Ready” comes with a gritty, Olympics-themed music video featuring people clad in glittery athletic gear competing in a variety of sports, such as wrestling and diving.

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Smith and Lovato have both openly discussed their challenges when it comes to love and relationships over the years, and those struggles are put on full display in the song’s lyrics.

Smith starts things off with “It’s a cold night in my bed in the heat of the summer // I’ve been waiting patiently for a beautiful lover // He’s not a cheater // A believer // He’s a warm, warm blooded achiever // It’s a lonely night in my bed in the heat of the summer.”

Lovato, who dropped a new single of her own recently, follows with “It’s a hot night in my head in the chill of the winter, no // I’ve been looking hard for a lover disguised as a sinner, no // Not a cheater // A redeemer // He’s a cold, cold blooded defeater // It’s a hot night in my head in the chill of the winter, no.”

In an interview with Apple Music, Smith says the song is “2020 Abba,” referencing the Swedish pop group known for hits such as “Dancing Queen.”

“It’s like, we’ve had fun doing this,” Smith said. “I haven’t taken myself seriously. I’m nervous about the song because the song for me is a song that’s reaching. And whenever I have those … You know what I say when a song’s reaching, when it’s like you’re reaching for the stars in the melody, you’re reaching for the stars in all of it.”

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Smith continued, “It almost sounds a bit musical theater at times. It feels cheesy at times. And I’m trying to own that because that is a genuine feeling that comes out sometimes in the studio and it’s fun. It’s really fun to go to that place. With us, with me and Demi singing, I know that we’re so inspired by those things, those musical theater.”

Contributing: Patrick Ryan

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