Sending Telegram Messages made Easier with Telegram Bot

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Handling social media are now becoming more popular for all. Most of the time in groups or channels you may have seen that you are receiving automated messages from unknown people. But you need to get to know that messages are not from peoples it is from bots. A bot is a software application that can run automated scripts or tasks on the internet, these bots can be able to perform tasks simple and repetitive even faster than the person can do.

In our reCAPTCHA article, we traced the bot activity by using Google reCAPTCHA v3. If you are interested in learning about securing unauthorized bots please visit. Bots are simply internet bots. OK now, let into the topic. This article covers configuring a bot from bot father in the telegram app. After we need to enable the bot for the needed groups or channels in a telegram that we need to send messages. Then the time to send messages and photos. We can send data via many options like text, photo, video, animation, voice and etc. Also, there are some limitations on sending data. we will discuss it all.

Why do we need bots?

Telegram is a platform that provides an API to create bots for gaming, e-commerce services, social interactions, and productivity. In addition, These bots can also provide customer support or
collect leads by connecting them to a messaging platform, CRM, or ticketing system.

4 Reasons for Businesses to Use Telegram Bot

  1. Secure – Comparing other social media platforms Telegram is quite secure in sending messages in encrypted form. So it is better to use telegram for business purposes. The bot messages seem secure to support customers.
  2. Free Platform – Telegram is a free platform without any limitations on sending messages. So that telegram bot creation
    is also free. Businesses can use this free platform to build their
    customer base by sending business messages.
  3. Availability – This is platform Independent, it is available on all major platforms such as Android, iOS,
    and Windows phones with desktop apps for Mac, Linux, and Windows. In addition, it also has a web version.
  4. Having Options – You also have an option to send audio, videos, message, media collection, documents, contact, games, location, images and etc to businesses. This increases customer engagement.

Lets Start

Here I am going to create a Bot and going to send the messages from the telegram API, then I will create the custom API by using spring boot and send messages.

Enable Bot

At the very first step go to your telegram web app or mobile app. Then search for the BotFather. BotFather is the one bot to rule them all. By using BotFather we create new bot accounts and manage your existing bots.

create bot

You may find many results for the BotFather, but choose the blue batch verified BotFather. Once you choose the BotFather, select/click “/newbot”.


Once you choose the bot you have to select the new name for the bot. Here I am choosing “MinoChatBot”. Then we need to give the username for the bot, In my case “mino_chat_bot”. Once it is done you will get the token with a greeting message. Here the looking token is modified, so don’t try to use this.

telegram bot

Now the bot is ready, By using this Bot you can send messages. But before that, you need to add your bot for a particular group or channel.

Add a Bot to Telegram Group or Channel

Note: What is the difference between Group and Channel?

A Telegram channel is a medium for one-way broadcast messages, a power-charged version of the WhatsApp Broadcast list. A Telegram group is the same as another chat group where we can interact.

Add Bot to Channel

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