Short on Time? Try This Killer 5-Minute Ab Workout – The Fitness Tribe

We’ve got great news for you: Exercise doesn’t have to take long.

Developing practical core strength doesn’t require 30-minute mindless ab routines. In fact, strong core muscles can come from short high-intensity ab workouts! Your exercises just got quicker.

You use your abs in the gym every day. When you squat, deadlift, bench or do other workouts, you’re engaging your core.

That’s why you don’t need to dedicate half an hour 3x a week to your abs—they’re already getting a workout each day as you exercise the rest of your body.

That said, though, it is nice to give them some focus and specific attention, and that’s why a short high-intensity killer ab workout is perfect for getting a solid core. Not only that, your core supports your back so say goodbye to back pain.

You get all the core-blasting focus you need in just a fraction of the time with the exercises we will show you.

Here is an example of a quick high-intensity ab workout:

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