Skyway login php

Electronic Management system for Boarding schools is web based software which is of help to Learners, parents and teachers .In the current system, at Mpunde Girls Secondary School activities are done manually. This is costly and time consuming. As a result, the management of the school has become inefficiency and ineffectiveness .Parents has complained about the management trends currently existing. In this view, the EMSBS has been developed to deal with various activities related to the management of the school. With this software, students/parents can pay school fees online, check payment history of fees, track learner classroom attendance and behavior, take examinations online, check results online, learn online, track library activities, online allocation of hostels. Administrator has the power to control all the users while teachers have more privileges than the pupils and parents. This system is highly recommended as it is capable of addressing the errors which may arise as a result of Manual activities. Manual activities are much prone to errors. Development of the application was accomplished using both the front end and back end development tools. The tools used in front end include CSS and HTML5 and JavaScript, while the back end which is the server side was developed using MySQL, PHP

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