Standing Ab Exercises Are Trending on TikTok: Here Are 15 Moves to Add to Your Next Workout

We love a plank hold as much as the next girl, and we’ll bicycle kick our way through just about anything. But if you’re looking for new ways to work your core that don’t involve face planting Superman-ing onto a sweaty exercise mat, we know just the thing. And it looks like TikTok’s caught on too.

With over 24 million views, #standingabs is clearly the new core workout du jour of the fitness world (and for good reason). Unlike most of the usual supine moves, standing ab exercises are functional, meaning they work with your natural body movements to mimic how you’d utilize your muscles in real life—say, when carrying groceries, mowing the lawn or deep-cleaning the bathroom. They also help support lifelong balance, posture and stabilization while minimizing the strain on your neck, back, knees and wrists (especially if you experience any difficulty getting up off the ground). Plus, they can be done just about anywhere with minimal space and equipment required.

To help you get started, we tapped fitness trainer Brittany Lupton for her favorite standing ab moves. Whether you’re at the gym or in your living room, just make sure to keep a lightweight dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell plate nearby to use as needed. And if you don’t have free weights, feel free to sub in a jug of water or laundry detergent (just make sure it’s easy to hold).

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