Start Hacking & Join the Largest Hacker Community

Sign-up for an account. You will need a name, username, and a valid email address. You can remain anonymous with a pseudonym, but if you are awarded a bounty you will need to provide your identity to HackerOne. Be sure to take a look at our Disclosure Guidelines which outline the basic expectations that both security teams and hackers agree to when joining HackerOne.

Find a participating program. Read the Security Page closely, which will give you the information you need to participate in the program, including the scope of the program and reward expectations. Programs can offer thanks, swag, and/or bounties for valid reports; every program is different and it’s at the discretion of the program what sort of reward they offer, so be sure to check that out before you submit a report. Start hacking and submitting reports. Your reports should include a detailed description of your discovery with clear, concise reproducible steps or a working proof-of-concept (POC). If you don’t explain the vulnerability in detail, there may be significant delays in the disclosure process, which is undesirable for everyone. If you’re not sure what a good report looks like, here are some tips.

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