Study Groups

bird's eye view of a study group table with several laptops and snacks

Study groups can be an excellent way to bolster or reinforce your understanding of course material. Being part of a group engages you with the course material in a deeper way and allows you to set up mini deadlines and build accountability into your week. Study groups are a place where you can ask questions, practice participation, and get to know your classmates in a smaller setting. Many students like being part of a study group because it helps them to review previous material on a regular basis, making sure they are preparing in advance for midterms and final exams. At Harvard you can participate in study groups from your first year through graduation. Some courses have study groups built in. For others, you may need to create your own group or find a group through a student organization, or you can contact the ARC and we till try to help you.

Interested in creating your own study group? Here are some things to keep in mind:

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