Study Hard, Finish Strong – Cincinnati State

We are closing out the semester and our motto here at Cincinnati State is to FINISH STRONG.  This is your opportunity to run through the tape at the finish line and do so at top speed. 

In preparation for those end-of-term projects and final exams, we asked current students and alumni, on our Facebook and Instagram polls, to comment on the best places to study on the Clifton campus.  Many of the suggestions were for the same locations, certainly making these the ‘it’ places to study.  Every comment referenced the desire to have both solitude and community. Some suggestions highlighted the opportunity for joint and larger group study areas where the goal is that together everyone achieves more.

Number one: Café Area by Bakery Hill – Instagram: @clsnyder2 

Located on the second floor of the Advanced Technology Learning Center (ATLC) Building, this area is perfectly suited for study.  Since the start of the current semester, Bakery Hill has returned to regular hours, enabling a bakery boost and a java reboot while sitting down to the books.  Items for sale at Bakery Hill are homemade and prepared by Cincinnati State’s own Midwest Culinary Institute.  The area provides multiple outlets and charging portals for your laptops and digital devices.  Bakery Hill’s centralized campus location indeed makes it a favorite place to study and meet up, plus there is the smell of fresh coffee and donuts to really help one’s focus.

Number two: Huddle Rooms – Instagram: @cole_savinggorillas

These group spaces make it easy to bring classmates together.  Students can even use the facilities to make group presentations or privately rehearse final projects.  These three rooms are located in the ATLC building just down the hall from Bakery Hill.  The glass walls and windows provide the feeling of openness with an abundance of natural light.  Currently these spaces are only available by scheduled time frames, but they are gradually returning to anytime use.  Similar spaces are available at the Johnnie Mae Berry Library for private and group study.

Number three: The Courtyard – Instagram: @luke_cahill7

More so during the warmer months, the courtyard outside the ATLC Building and the Main Building is a favorite spot to stretch out on the lawn or sit on a bench to soak up the sun’s rays and get in study mode.  The proximity of the courtyard to both the ATLC and the Main building makes it an easy walk to classes while providing a welcome respite from the indoors, enabling the opportunity to refresh, recharge and refocus.  “As a Landscape Horticulture and Turfgrass Management major, the courtyard was a perfect place for me to study, I had the benefits of wi-fi, fresh air and nature.”  @luke_cahill7

In addition to these student picks for the top three study locations, don’t forget the Student Lounge on the first floor of ATLC Building where you can cuddle up with a book in front of the fireplace, stretch out on one of the couches or spread out at a table.  The library and the computer labs in the ATLC building also have space available for study, but if nothing else, there is always the option of plopping down in the hallway or window sill near an outlet and putting those creative juices to work.  No matter where you choose to study, as you prep for that sprint to the finish line, good luck and remember FINISH STRONG!

Thank you to all that participated in our Facebook and Instagram polls, offering their favorite place to study.  If you have another suggestion for the perfect study space or want to elaborate on any of the above locations feel free to do so on any of our social media channels, we always like to know what works for you and why. 

Best of luck with finals and FINISH STRONG!

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