Study hard; relax, take a moment to breathe – The Daily Eastern News

As the end of the semester is near, most students will be spending this last month studying hard and preparing for final exams.

We at The Daily Eastern News believe that  it is good for everyone to make time to study and work hard to do well on their exams, but we also feel that students should try to rest and take a deep breath from time to time.

Studying, of course, is crucial to doing well in school, especially on exams. However, putting too much work in and not getting any sleep, rest or relaxation will not benefit you when it comes to doing your best either.

It is good for students to have a set period of time each day to do their studying and school work, but they should also make time each day to relax.

Relaxation is defined differently to so many people. Some people find relaxation in laying on their couch and watching television or a movie. Others find relaxation in taking a hot shower or a nice nap each afternoon.

Whatever makes you feel relaxed the most is recommended to you as a daily task each day.

Overworking may help you retain more information in studying, but you will be physically and mentally worn out, and you cannot put too much pressure on yourself.

We at The Daily Eastern News fully understand how stressful final exams can be, seeing as how we are all students ourselves, but we also know that we are not doing ourselves any favors by spending more than half of each day with our nose in a textbook.

Take a step outside and breathe some fresh air. Curl up with a blanket and watch a good movie. These are all things that give your brain a chance to relax from working so hard to retain the information when studying.

Everyone stresses over exams, and it is not abnormal, but we all should take time out of each day to take a break from exams.

We all have to have faith that we will do our best when it comes to finals, and we have to put in a good amount of studying to do our best, but we cannot overwork our brains and be worn out.

Studies show that those who overdo it when it comes to studying do not do their best when it comes time to sit in the classroom and take the exam.

Do the best you can, but make sure you give yourself a break.

You will not feel well if you work too hard because it will add a lot of stress.

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