‎TED Talks Daily on Apple Podcasts



I love listening to experts in their chosen fields talk about their passions, or people with interesting perspectives who share the other side of their experiences. I think it’s telling how the majority of poor reviews claim a bias that the reviewer simply doesn’t agree with… not the content itself lacking truth or thoughtfulness, but that their feelings got hurt. Imagine being so arrogant and ignorant that, when faced with an insightful, thoughtful, well-delivered message about things like climate change or actions from the leading minds of research and intervention, you double-down on dumb. Their brains and thought processes are impenetrable and at the first whiff of disagreement, they cast it away as liberal, leftist “echo chambers” for fear there may be some substance behind a well constructed presentation. I don’t agree with all Ted Talks, but I see value in expanding my mind in areas I’ll never experience or fully understand, and who better to share it than the bright minds behind such fields? Then there are the snowflakes who disagree, using their own virtue signaling with their dismissive claims of “leftist”, “liberal”, and “social justice warriors”. It seems the intolerant right is so woke.

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