Tenerife | Clipper Crew

On this tragic 40th anniversary of the Tenerife disaster Clipper Crew remembers those who were in the worst recorded airline disaster to this day when KLM Flight 4805 collided with Clipper Victor, Pan Am Flight 1736 on March 27, 1977.  CBS News broadcast a memorial segment which may be accessed by clicking here.


We honor those in this tragedy and  salute their memory and courage:  Captain Victor Grubbs (now deceased) , Co-Pilot Robert Bragg (now deceased) and Flight Engineer George Warn (now deceased), Jump Seat Observers John Cooper and Juan Antonio Murillo Rivas, Dorothy Kelly, Purser, Carla Johnson, Joan Jackson and Suzanne Donovan flight attendants.   We cherish the memory of those who perished,  Purser Francoise Colbert de Beaulieu Greenbaum, Flight Attendants Miguel Torrech Pere, Mari Asai, Sachiko Hirano, Marylin Lunker, Carol Thomas , Aysel Sarp Buck and Luisa Garcia Flood, and all the passengers and KLM crew.

A Dutch national memorial and final resting place for the victims of the KLM plane is located in Amsterdam, at Westgaarde cemetery. There is also a memorial at the Westminster Memorial Park and Mortuary in Westminster, California. On March 27, 2007, an International Tenerife Monument Memorial was inaugurated in Mesa Mota Mountain in memory of the 583 victims.   The monument is shaped like a spiral staircase, with steps that connect the earth and sky. It is a structure of 18 meters high, and was designed by a Dutch artist.


Flight Attendant Carol E. Thomas




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