The 54 Ethnic Minorities of Vietnam A Visual Summary – 360nomad

With 54 offi­cial­ly rec­og­nized eth­nic groups speak­ing over 100 lan­guages, Viet­nam is one of the most eth­ni­cal­ly diverse coun­tries in South­east Asia and per­haps the world, in rela­tion to its land mass.

Jour­ney through the moun­tain­ous North where the col­or­ful Lo Lo, Phu La, Ha Nhi and Pu Peo call home. The vast Cen­tral High­lands plateau home to the Ba Na, Co Tu, Xo Dang and Brau. All the way South to the Mekong Delta, home of the Cham and Khmer. These are just a hand­ful of the many eth­nic minor­i­ty groups in Viet­nam, a coun­try at the cross­roads of South­east Asia with great cul­tur­al, lin­guis­tic and genet­ic diversity.

Pre­sent­ed here is a visu­al guide to the 54 pri­ma­ry eth­nic groups of Viet­nam. Click on the name of an eth­nic group at the top of the page to see a sum­ma­ry with the offi­cial stamp and pho­to (if avail­able). If you pay close atten­tion you can see the tra­di­tion­al homes of each eth­nic group in the back­ground of the stamp. For a more con­cise and sortable list of the 54 eth­nic groups of Viet­nam click here.

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