The Be−Cu (Beryllium-Copper) system | SpringerLink
M.I. Jacobson and M.L. Hammond, Beryllium-Rich End of Five Binary Systems, inBeryllium Technology, Vol. 1, Gordon and Breach, New York, p 179–195 (1966). (An updated version of this paper is [5].)
F. Witt and V.V. Damiano, Application of the Electron Microscope for Production of Pseudo-Kossel Patterns and their Use in the Determination of Lattice Constants of a Beryllium—4.4 Wt Per Cent Copper Alloy,Rev.Sci. Instrum., 38, p 1069–1073 (1967).
H.H. Stadelmaier and G. Hofer, Phases with Diamond Substructures in Ternary Beryllium Alloys,Monatsh. Chem., 98, p 45–48 (1967).
M.I. Jacobson, The Solid Solubilities of Silver, Aluminum, Chromium, Copper, and Iron in Zone-Refined Beryllium,Trans. Met. Soc. AIME, 242(4), p 1385–1391 (1968): (Phase diagram data, 75–100 at.% Be.) See Fig. 2
L.G. Gavrilenko, V.I. Malkin, B.M. Mogutnov and V.V. Pokidyshev, Ageing Peculiarities due to the Thermodynamic Properties of Copper-Beryllium. Alloys,Phys. Met. Metallogr., 25, p 92–96 (1968) in Russian; translated asFiz. Met. Metalloved., 25, p 469–472 (1968). (Activity of Be, 0–35 at.% Be.)
L.S. Patshkverova, Nature of the Delta Phase in the Copper-Beryllium System,Izvest. Fiz., 5, p 122–123 (1969) in Russian.
R. Rautioaho and E. Suoninen. A Study of Ordering in the Cu−Be Beta Phase,Phys. Stat. Sol. a, 2, p 493–496 (1970). (Study of the miscibility gap and the degree of long-range order.)
R. Shiromizu and Y. Mishima, The Reversion of Metastable Phases in Cu−Be Alloys,Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi, 35, p 183 (1971). (0–16 at.% Be.) See Fig. 3
L. Kuchan and L. Cao Tac, Equilibrium Distribution Coefficients of Binary Cu−Admixture Systems,Sbornik VSB Ostrave (Hutnicka), 18(3), p 65–76 (1973) in Czechoslovakian.
S. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto and Y. Murakami, Effects of Plastic Deformation on the Age-Hardening of Cu−Be Alloys,J. Jpn. Inst. Met., 37, p 1268–1275 (1973). (1.41 wt.% Be.)
P.J. Spencer, Beryllium: Physico-chemical Properties of Its Compounds and Alloys,Atomic Energy Review, O. Kubaschewski, Ed., Special Issue No 4, p 7–44, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (1973).
O. von Goldbeck, Phase Diagrams,Atomic Energy Review, O. Kubaschewski, Ed., Special Issue No. 4, p 45–61, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (1973).
T. Tadaki, T. Sahara and K. Shimizu, Electron Metallography of the Decomposition Processes in a Hyper-Eutectic Cu−Be Beta Phase Alloy,Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met., 14(5), p 401–407 (1973). (Metastable phases, 6.65 wt.% Be.)
X. Auvray, R. Graf and A. Guinier, Study of Cu−Be Alloys Close to the Eutectoid Composition,Scrip. Met., 8(8), p 995–1004 (1974) in French. (6 wt.% Be.)
H. Murail, Exceptional Cu Alloy—Cu−Be,Materiaux Tech., Aug–Sept, p 338–346 (1974) in French.
S.M. Myers, S.T. Picraux and T.S. Prevender, Study of Cu Diffusion in Be Using Ion Backscattering,Phys. Rev. (B), 9, p 3953–3964 (1974). (Confirmed bulk solubility limit of 5.5±1.0 at.% Cu in Be at 750°C in thin films.)
M.R. Khairulaev and L.S. Patskhverova, Contact Melting in Binary Systems Forming Intermetallic Compounds,Fiz. Khim. Obrabot. Mat., 5, p 158–161 (1974) in Russian.
M. Ausloos and B. Lalevic, Solubility of Noble Metals in hcp Metals: A Test for the Validity of Pseudo-Potentials,Appl. Phys., 6, p 229–232 (1975). (Theoretical band structure energy for determining low temperature solubility of Cu in Be.)
A.G. Rakhshtadt and Kh.G. Tkhagapsoev, Laws Governing the Discontinuous Decomposition of the Alpha Solid Solution in Cu−Be Alloys,Izv. Akad. Nauk SSR Met., 6, p 188–195 (1975 in Russian; translated asRuss. Met., 6, p 150–156 (1975).
S. Gadea, M. Petrescu and D. Bojin, Study of the Phases Formed by Be Diffusion in Cu,Metallurgia, 28(11), p 606–611 (1976) in Romanian.
S.M. Myers and J.E. Smugeresky, Low-Temperature Solubility of Cu in Be, in Be−Al and in Be−Si Using Ion Beams,Met. Trans., 8A, p 609–616 (1977). (2–8 at.% Cu.)
F. Aldinger and G. Petzow, Constitution of Beryllium and Its Alloys, in Beryllium Science and Technology , Vol. 1, D. Webster and G.L. London, Eds., Plenum, New York, p. 235–305 (1979).