The Study Hard Project

Where are you located?

Frequently Asked Questions

Our location pre and post pandemic.
The Study Hard Project partners with Stories Literacy Center at The Marketplace at Steamtown to offer centrally located services with free parking and comfortable areas for parents to wait for their students to finish their session.  

Our location during the pandemic.

How can I donate?

We are currently not a non-profit organization. I’m a high-school student, who wants to do good things in my community. I am not a business. However, if you want to help us financially, please email me at [email protected] and we can talk!

What if my child doesn’t have internet access?

Talk with your school about various options and programs they offer to help you get online, and we’ll accommodate our schedules to yours. 

Can anyone be a tutor?

High School Students are welcome to tutor in subjects that they feel confident in tutoring.

Can you help my Elementary School Student?

Unfortunately, we cannot. While we’d love to help everyone, our target group is limited to Middle School (5th grade and up) and High School Students. 

How do we find out about programming in real time?

Follow us on Instagram @studyhardnepa

What happens when Ava goes to college?

In my senior year, I will choose a junior to shadow me and learn the ropes. Then that person will take over in their senior year, when they also choose a junior to shadow them. Then, that person will take over and on and on. Plus, I will continue to manage from afar, wherever I am and my mom and nana will help, too. This way, #StudyHard continues FOREVER. 

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