The World’s Fastest Dictionary |

  1. Celtic language

    a branch of the Indo-European languages that (judging from inscriptions and place names) was spread widely over Europe in the pre-Christian era

  2. Baltic language

    a branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto-Indo European

  3. Nilotic language

    a group of languages of East Africa belonging to the Chari-Nile group

  4. Altaic language

    a group of related languages spoken in Asia and southeastern Europe

  5. Sinitic language

    a group of Sino-Tibetan languages

  6. Slavic language

    a branch of the Indo-European family of languages

  7. Chadic language

    a family of Afroasiatic tonal languages (mostly two tones) spoken in the regions west and south of Lake Chad in north central Africa

  8. Hellenic language

    the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European family of languages

  9. Hamitic language

    a group of languages in northern Africa related to Semitic

  10. Italic language

    a branch of the Indo-European languages of which Latin is the chief representative

  11. Dardic language

    any of a group of Indic languages spoken in Kashmir and eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan

  12. search language

    a source language consisting of procedural operators that invoke functions to be executed

  13. Maltese language

    the national language of the Republic of Malta

  14. syntax language

    a language used to describe the syntax of another language

  15. Slavonic language

    a branch of the Indo-European family of languages

  16. Arabic language

    the Semitic language of the Arabs

  17. Turkic language

    a subfamily of Altaic languages

  18. Uralic language

    a family of Ural-Altaic languages

  19. native language

    the language that a person has spoken from earliest childhood

  20. metalanguage

    a language that can be used to describe languages

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