Traffic Jam Causes: The Weird, Surprising and More Common

What causes a traffic jam? Sometimes the answer is obvious: construction, crashes, or regular rush hour. Other times, it may appear to drivers that there’s no apparent reason for the traffic to be there. To get a better handle on how the flow of traffic works, let’s explore traffic jam causes, from the more common to the rare.


The most common form of traffic occurs when there are more cars than the roadway can support. This form of congestion, also called saturation, is recurring and makes up about half of all traffic that Americans experience on a daily basis, according to the Federal Highway Administration. Saturation often happens when a city’s population grows faster than its infrastructure. 

In places like Austin, for example, which is considered the fastest-growing city in the country, highway saturation is a critical issue. Recurring congestion can have adverse effects on both the economy and citizens’ well-being. To help solve the traffic congestion problem, you can get involved by learning about and voting on regulations that seek to improve traffic volume and poor infrastructure in your metropolitan area.


While it may seem frustrating to get stuck in a construction zone, interstate maintenance actually helps relieve traffic congestion in the long run. Types of construction that improve traffic flow might include adding more lanes to the highway, creating one-way streets, and putting up traffic lights. If you’re sitting in traffic because of construction, know that these new developments will actually decrease your travel time in the near future.

Car Crashes

Often, when drivers hit heavy traffic, they immediately wonder if there was a car accident. Car crashes disrupt traffic flow for several reasons. The wreck might be blocking the interstate so that no cars can get around it. Drivers might have to stop, slow down, or move over so that emergency vehicles can make their way to the scene of the accident.

Sometimes, even if a wreck has been cleared to the side of the road, drivers will “rubberneck,” meaning they will drive slower to get a better look at the crash. Rubbernecking can create stop-and-go traffic even if cars involved in the accident have been cleared and emergency vehicles are present, so you should always resist the temptation to do so.


Bad weather interrupts the flow of traffic because it makes drivers more cautious. While you might feel annoyed by drivers who are moving slower than usual due to rain, snow, or ice, they are simply taking safety precautions. In fact, it’s advised to go slightly below the speed limit in adverse weather to decrease your risk of crashing. It’s better being stuck in traffic gridlock for a bit than being the victim of a car crash.

Distracted Driving

A newer form of traffic that is affecting cities more and more every day is actually the result of distracted driving. When drivers are distracted by their smartphones or other handheld devices, they might not drive at a constant speed, thus unintentionally increasing traffic density. Drivers might also get distracted at stoplights, which can affect traffic density once the light turns green.

In fact, smartphone distraction at traffic lights can negatively impact regular traffic flow for an average of 27 seconds after you’ve stopped texting, according to the AAA Foundation. You should never text and drive, as it can not only increase traffic congestion but also increase your risk of crashing.

Traffic Happens, Now What?

No one likes being stuck behind the wheel driving at a snail’s pace, but that’s just a part of driving. Yes, it’s annoying, but that doesn’t mean you should stop being alert or, even worse, let your frustrations show. Here are some helpful tips to help you deal with traffic:

  • Keep your cool: Even if you have somewhere to be, don’t do any dangerous maneuvers. Don’t weave past other cars, don’t try to pass on the shoulder, and don’t distract other drivers by honking.

  • Keep your distance: Slow-moving traffic still requires you to keep a three-second distance from cars in front of you. This way, you have time to hit the brakes if the car behind you suddenly stops.

  • Keep off busy intersections: Intersections can be especially dangerous when traffic is congested. For starters, some drivers might speed or think they can make it across before anyone else because they’re in a hurry. Secondly, some drivers get “stuck” in the middle of the intersection as traffic opens, making congestion even worse. Always pay extra attention!

  • Keep off your phone: We know it’s tempting — after all, traffic just isn’t moving. But being on your phone while driving is never a good idea. The car in front of you could start moving without you realizing (which will surely make other drivers honk at you), a car in the lane next to you could try to cut you off, and so on. Your eyes and your mind still need to be on the road.

Being a Prepared Driver Is the Best Course of Action

Anticipating traffic congestion and knowing what to do when you find yourself stuck is key to being a good driver. It’s something you learn with practice or with the help of defensive driving lessons. They’ll prepare you for those scary unexpected situations on the road and could end up saving your life!

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