[Video] Q5, 6: It can reasonably be inferred from the passage that the main reason that the narrator considers great expectations to be the best gift he ever received is because , and which choice pro
Explanation for Questions 5, 6 From the Reading Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 8
Okay. So you’re also going to number five and number six together because it’s 2 another buy one, get one free question where basically number six is asking for 3 the evidence that you need to answer number five. 4 So let’s read the, um, 5 the question stem first, where it says it can be reasonably inferred, 6 which means that you’re actually not going to find the answer directly in the 7 passage. It’s not going to be written down word for word and said, 8 you’re going to have to kind of use your own, 9 um, comprehension skills, 10 reading comprehension skills, to kind of pull out that inference that you 11 make based on the evidence that you find in the passage. 12 You still definitely need to use the passage, 13 uh, to find the answer, but the answer won’t be in black and white 14 for you. So it can really be inferred from passage that the main reason. 15 So circle the word mean. Um, 16 the narrator considers great exhibitions to be the best gift you ever received is 17 because, okay, why what’s the, why does he love, 18 um, this book so much? I’m already thinking here. 19 I don’t think AI is going to be the answer for number six because 20 it’s just too early. We don’t even hear about great expectations until line 47. 21 So, um, I really also don’t think it’s going to be 22 either because this is when he first received the book and he doesn’t know 23 how great it is yet. Uh, he hasn’t even talked about his reaction to 24 it yet. He actually didn’t talk about his reaction t…