Water Apple – Penang Tropical Fruit Farm

Properties100g of Water Apple has 12mg of magnesium, 29mg of calcium and 123mg of potassium.

Health BenefitsWater Apple fruits good for curing mouth ulcers. The roots and barks contains alkaloid called jambosine, which helps to lower the sugar blood level, especially when one’s pancreas is not functioning properly like that of a diabetic. While jambosine in Jambu air is still under further study, it is noteworthy that Jambu air have a low glycemic index. This makes it one of the few fruits, including grapefruits and apples that are good for diabetics. Jambu air are also considered good for the brain, liver and our blood.

Commercial UsesIn Malaysia, the powder from the dried leaves of the Malay apple is reportedly used on a cracked tongue. A preparation of the root is a remedy for itching, and a preparation of the root is given to alleviate swelling. The root bark is used to treat dysentery and serves as an emmenagogue (promoting menstrual function) and abortifacient. Cambodians reportedly take a decoction of the fruit, leaves, or seeds as a febrifuge (against fever). In Brazil various parts of the plant are used as remedies for constipation, diabetes, coughs, pulmonary catarrh, headache, and other ailments.
The wood is red, coarse, hard; used for construction.

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