What is Your Spiritual Archetype? (Free Test)
On a psychological, emotional, and spiritual level, we are multidimensional beings. The energy patterns that constitute our identities are called “Archetypes” which are like symbols, or faces, of our Souls.
We all have numerous psychological archetypes that determine what we like, how we love, and how we’re uniquely gifted. But for the first time ever, this unique test will explore and define what your dominant spiritual archetype is.
Carefully researched and designed by both of us, this Spiritual Archetypes™ test will show you:
- What dominant spiritual archetype you possess right now
- The Shadow Side of this archetype
- Your strengths
- Your weaknesses
- Spiritual purpose
- Existential fear
- Lesson to learn
- … and much more
There are 12 spiritual archetypes in total, they are based on the four main spiritual paths of action, clarity, contemplation, and communion. Remember that whatever answer you get is reflective of your current life path, interests, and capacities only. It is also possible that your spiritual archetype can change over time.
Have fun! And remember that this test was designed ultimately for guidance. If you feel that your result doesn’t resonate with you, take it with a “grain of salt” and listen to the higher authority of your Heart.
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