What the Tech: Lily Collins Facebook hack

LANSING, Mich. (WILX) – A Facebook data breach is affecting thousands of users. Their accounts were taken over by hackers who changed their passwords, stole photos, and banking information, and made it impossible for them to log back in.

Most victims of the hack say Facebook isn’t helping, or even responding.

Like hundreds, maybe thousands of Facebook users in the group “Lily Collins Facebook Hack,” Raleigh LaPlant was locked out of his account by hackers, lost photos, memories, and contacts, and had their Facebook names changed to “Lily Collins” – but how?

“I installed what I thought was a standalone chat GPT program from Facebook that came through as an ad,” he explains.

LaPlant says the ads contain a virus that steals login information and mirrors Facebook onto the hacker’s computer. That in itself allows someone to log into your account, making it appear that you’ve used a registered device with Facebook and it’s not required to use 2FA.

2FA is two-factor authentication. The extra security requires users to approve log-ins using their smartphones. The ads are still posted on Facebook but Google removed a malicious ChatGPT extension from its Chrome store.

What’s frustrating to LaPlant and the other “Lily Collins” is trying to get help from Facebook.

“You can’t get ahold of anybody. They’ve got 80,000 employees and you can’t get hold of anybody on Facebook,” LaPlant says. “It doesn’t make sense.”

After weeks of trying, LaPlant did reach someone with Facebook who acknowledged it’s a significant breach but, there’s no public comment on the problem from Facebook.

Facebook’s policy forbids users to change the name on their accounts so even after Raleigh and a few other users regained their accounts, they’re still ‘Lily Collins’ on Facebook. We reached out to Facebook last week and still haven’t received a response.

While Google has removed a ChatGPT extension in its store that also allegedly contained the virus, be aware, viruses and malware can exist within any software or program you find online.

To be safe, only download software from reputable websites and storefronts.

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