Wherever I Am (Wherever You Are) by Steve Kuban

God is with us! Everywhere we go, in all that we do, in the midst of all our trials, and throughout the entire journey of our lives. He promises that if we will obey Him, and do everything He says, He will lead us to fulfill our destiny — His plan for us (our “Promised Land”).

This beautiful song came to me IN A DREAM on the final day of the Feast of Tabernacles. During this special time of year Jews commemorate their forefathers’ 40-year journey through the desert wilderness after being set free from slavery in Egypt, on their way to the Promised Land. God led them through a pillar of cloud in the day, and a pillar of fire by night.

As I was studying their wilderness journeys, on the final 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles (known as “Simchat Torah”, the most jubilant of all Jewish holidays), the Lord had me lie down on the couch beside my study desk, and I immediately fell into a deep sleep. God gave me a beautiful dream where I stood in front of an outdoor stage with a huge array of speakers, and the sound coming from the band was an amazingly beautiful rhythm and melody. Then I awoke, went to the keyboard and recorded the rhythm, chords and melody that I’d heard in the dream. The next day I added the words and recorded this video. What you hear in this recording, is what I heard in my dream!

God told Moses to build a sanctuary where He would dwell with Israel. His visible presence was seen by Israel all through their journeys in the wilderness, leading them in a pillar of cloud during the day, and a pillar of fire at night which gave them light. So too, God tabernacles Himself with us, and as we trust and obey Him His glory and fire shall lead us and light our way into the fullness of His plan for our lives–our destiny, and our promised land.

(note to musicians: the tonal center of this song is a quarter tone lower than F, based upon what I’d heard in my dream, which has a warm and peaceful effect upon the listener. To play along with this track you will need to detune your instrument accordingly.)

Given by inspiration through a dream on 22 Tishri 5774 (the final and 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles), Sept 26, 2013.

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