Why are you learning English? Q15 Woodward English


Woodward English Conversation Question 15

Why are you learning English?

Here are some possible responses to this question:

I am learning English because…

  • I need it for work.
  • I need it to get a better job.
  • I need it to pass my course / degree.
  • I want to study / live in an English-speaking country.
  • It is useful when you travel.
  • I like learning new languages.
  • I want to understand songs in English.
  • I want to understand movies in English.
  • I want to make new friends.
  • I want to read books in their original language.
  • I like to talk to people and learn about other cultures.
  • Most things on the internet (that I am interested in) are in English.
  • English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
  • It is a personal goal to become better.
  • I want to know what appears in video games.
  • It keeps my brain active
  • It is fun!

How are you learning English?

There are many different ways to learn English. Some people prefer one method, others another. Try some of the following ways to learn English and see which you like the most. Remember, if you enjoy the learning experience, you will learn more.

  • It is part of a course I am taking at school or university.
  • I am taking lessons at a language school.
  • I have a private teacher (in person or online)
  • I study by myself (I am self-taught). How do you study English by yourself?
  • On free websites (e.g. www.woodwardenglish.com – www.grammar.cl – www.vocabulary.cl)
  • On paid language learning websites.
  • I use apps on my phone to learn.
  • I am in an English-speaking country so learn by using.
  • I read the news in English (newspapers or online)
  • Watching movies in English (with English subtitles)
  • Learning the lyrics of my favorite songs.

What are some other ways to learn English that are not mentioned here?

What has been the easiest thing about learning English?

  • They are many places online where I can learn English for free (websites, YouTube, etc.)
  • There is a lot of material I can use to learn English (books, movies, songs, social media)
  • The tenses are easy to learn compared to in my language.
  • There is only one form for each adjective (no different singular/plural/masculine/feminine forms)
  • There is only one definite article (THE).
  • Most of the grammar is easy.
  • It is easy to read English.

What has been the most difficult thing about learning English?

Every person is different though here are some areas of English that students may find difficult:

  • Pronunciation – trying to sound like a native speaker.
  • Understanding what people say – people speak too quickly for me.
  • Trying not to translate from my first language (think in English)
  • Spelling – why are the words pronounced differently from how they are written?
  • Phrasal verbs – why are there so many phrasal verbs in English?
  • Prepositions – they confuse me.
  • Practicing with others – finding someone to practice English with.

What advice would you give to someone starting to learn English?

  • Don’t worry about making mistakes. That is when you discover what you need to work on more.
  • Try to USE English as much as possible.
  • Try to mimic what native speakers say in movies, series, etc. This way you will become more comfortable with the rhythm of the language and pronunciation.
  • Read books for children or graded readers. The vocabulary and grammar structures will not be advanced and appropriate for your level. Sometimes you already know the story so this can help too.
  • Try to study every day, even if it is only for 5 minutes.
  • Try to learn at least one new word every day.
  • Don’t worry about not understanding what singers says in songs. Sometimes it is difficult for native speakers too!

More questions about learning English

  • When did you start learning English?
  • How long have you been learning English?
  • What do you like the most about learning English?
  • What do you NOT like about learning English?
  • What positive experience have you had about learning English?

Why are you learning English?

Why are you learning English? Woodward English Conversation Question 15


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