Alaska Time Zone Map | Map of Time Zones in Alaska

Alaska Time Zone Map: Alaska is the largest state in the United States, and its location in the extreme northern region of the continent means that it has its own unique time zone. To ensure that citizens and visitors alike can stay on schedule, it is important to understand Alaska’s time zones. This article offers an overview of Alaska’s time zone map, as well as some tips for keeping track of local time.

We have other related Time Zone maps on our website:

Alaska Time Zone Map

The Time Zones Map Alaska shows the four different time zones that cover the state – Alaska Time, Aleutian Islands Time, Hawaii-Aleutian Time, and Pacific Time. The map highlights the boundaries of each time zone and shows the major cities and towns in each zone.

alaska time zone mapalaska time zone map


The time zones are an essential aspect of life in Alaska, as they help people plan their schedules and activities according to the local time. And then the Time Zones Map Alaska is an essential tool for residents and visitors to the state, helping them to navigate the different time zones and understand the unique challenges of living in such a remote and diverse area.

Alaska, the largest state in the United States, has a unique geographical location, stretching across two time zones – Alaska Standard Time and Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time. But this time zone map shows the division of Alaska into four different time zones – Alaska Time, Aleutian Islands Time, Hawaii-Aleutian Time, and Pacific Time.

Map of Time Zones in Alaska

Map of Time Zones in Alaska


The Alaska Time Zone lies in the central and eastern part of Alaska, while the Aleutian Islands Time Zone covers the western Aleutian Islands. And then the Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone comprises the westernmost part of the Aleutian Islands, including Attu Island, and the Hawaiian Islands. The Pacific Time Zone covers a small part of southeastern Alaska, including the cities of Yakutat and Hyder.

Map of Time Zones in Alaska

The US Time Zone Map Alaska shows the four different time zones that cover Alaska, which is the largest state in the United States. The map highlights the boundaries of each time zone and shows the major cities and towns in each zone.

US Time Zone Map AlaskaUS Time Zone Map Alaska


The US Time Zone Map Alaska is an important tool for anyone traveling or living in Alaska, as it helps them understand the local time and plan their schedules accordingly. The map also provides an insight into the unique geographical and topographical features of the state, as well as the challenges that come with living in such a large and diverse area.

The Map of Time Zones in Alaska shows the four different time zones that cover the state. The Alaska Time Zone is nine hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-9), while the Aleutian Islands Time Zone is ten hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-10). The Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone is eleven hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-11), and the Pacific Time Zone is eight hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-8).

Time Zone Map for AlaskaTime Zone Map for Alaska


The time zones are important for residents and visitors to Alaska, as it helps them to plan their schedules and avoid any confusion about the local time. But the map of time zones in Alaska also helps people understand the geographical and topographical features of the state, as well as the challenges that come with living in such a large and diverse area.

Time Zone Map for Alaska

The Alaska Time Zones Map shows the division of Alaska into four different time zones – Alaska Time, Aleutian Islands Time, Hawaii-Aleutian Time, and Pacific Time.

Alaska Time Zones MapAlaska Time Zones Map


The map highlights the boundaries of each time zone and shows the major cities and towns in each zone. But it is an essential tool for anyone traveling or living in Alaska, helping them to plan their activities and schedules according to the local time.

The Time Zone Map for Alaska is an essential tool for anyone living or traveling to Alaska. The map shows the division of Alaska into four different time zones and highlights the boundaries of each zone. This helps people plan their activities, meetings, and schedules according to the local time, and avoid any confusion about the time difference between different parts of the state.

The Time Zone Map for Alaska also provides an insight into the unique geographical and topographical features of the state. Alaska covers a vast area, and the time zones help people understand the challenges of living in such a remote and diverse location. But the map also highlights the major cities and towns in each time zone, making it easier for people to navigate and plan their travels.

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