
Collins Spanish Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

You’re (looking) very slim

You look great in that dress!

• Other adjectives can also be used with both verbs but the use of ser describes a characteristic while the use of estar implies a change :

Are you ready?

• Some adjectives can be used with both ser and estar but the meaning changes completely depending on the verb:

It is a proven fact that vaccinations save many lives

It is understood that the work was never finished

• Ser and estar are both used in impersonal expressions with past participles. As above, the use of ser implies action while the use of estar implies result :

The floor is painted a dark colour

It was painted around 1925

The window was broken

The window was broken by the firemen

• Compare the use of ser + ((PAST PARTICIPLE)) which describes action and estar + ((PAST PARTICIPLE)) which describes result in the following:

We threw them away because they were broken

• Use estar with past participles to describe the results of a previous action or event:

! The passive is not used as often in Spanish as it is in English.

He was shot dead (by a terrorist group)

This play was written by Lorca

• Use ser in passive constructions:

We’re having lunch. Is it ok if I call you later?

! Feliz, however, which is seen as more permanent than contento, is used mainly with ser.

How happy I am!

The teacher is ill

• to talk about changeable state, condition or mood:

! But use ser with events in the sense of “take place” (see above) .

Your glasses are on the bedside table

“Where is Zaragoza?” – “It’s in Spain”

• to talk about location of places, objects and people:

! Compare this usage with that of estar (see below) to talk about location of places, objects and people.

“Where is the exam?” – “It’s in Room 1”

The 1992 Olympic Games were in Barcelona

• with events in the sense of “take place”:

This is your responsibility

• to indicate possession or duty:

He lived in the country when he was young

It’s very late. Let’s go home

It is ten o’clock

• when telling the time or talking about time or age:

It is obvious you don’t understand

NOTE Está claro que is an exception:

It is important to be on time

• with most impersonal expressions not involving past participles:

She was blonde

His mother is German

• to describe essential or inherent characteristics (e.g. colour, material, nationality, race, shape, size ):

He was the most hated man in the village

Paris is the capital of France

• when defining or identifying by linking two nouns or noun phrases:

if I were to leave the job, would you replace me?

if it was or were to snow

you must work harder if you are to succeed

it was not to be

they were never to return

this was to have serious repercussions

you weren’t to know

little traffic was to be seen

these birds are to be found all over the world

they are to be married in the summer

her house is to be sold

the talks are to start tomorrow

he is to be pitied

he was to have come yesterday

she wrote “My Life”, not to be confused with Bernstein’s book of the same name

am I to understand that …?

he is to be congratulated on his work

I wasn’t to tell you his name

I am not to speak to him

I am to do it

no debe abrirlo, que no lo abra

he’s not to open it

you’re to put on your shoes

you’re not ill, are you?

so he’s back again, is he?

she wasn’t happy, was she?

it was fun, wasn’t it?

“she’s pretty” – “no, she isn’t”

“is it what you expected?” – “no, it isn’t”

“he’s always late, isn’t he?” – “yes, he is”

-no está muy contento -¿ah, no?

“he isn’t very happy” – “oh, isn’t he?”

“they’re getting married” – “oh, are they?”

-no comes lo suficiente -que sí

“you’re not eating enough” – “yes I am”

“you’re tired” – “no, I’m not”

“I’m not ready” – “neither am I”

“I’m worried” – “so am I”

“he’s going to complain about you” – “oh, is he?”

he isn’t as happy as he was

he’s older than you are

he was driving too fast

The imperfect tense can be used for continuous action in the past:

I’ll be seeing you

I shall be seeing him

will you be needing more?

will you be seeing her tomorrow?

“it’s a pity you aren’t coming with us” – “but I am coming!”

Use the present simple to talk about planned future events and the ir a construction to talk about intention:

he was studying until the early hours

no me distraigas cuando estoy conduciendo

don’t distract me when I’m driving

what are you doing?

what’s to be done?

she was killed in a car crash

he was killed by a terrorist

it is said that

these cars are produced in Spain

the box had been opened

The passive is not used as often in Spanish as in English, active and reflexive constructions often being preferred:

the house was destroyed by an earthquake

if it hadn’t been for you or > had it not been for you, we would have lost

be that as it may

as things are

that dog of yours has been and dug up my flowers!

you’ve been and done it now!

to be or not to be

I’ve been to China

have you ever been to Glasgow?

I have been to see my aunt

he has been and gone

has the postman been?

how much is it?

the book is £20

how much was it?

(=) →there are three of us →

after the shop there’s the bus station

there were three of them

let there be light!

there being no alternative solution

there must be an explanation

there were six road accidents here last year

is there anyone at home?

there is nothing more beautiful

what is (there) in that room?

it was then that

why is it that she’s so successful?

it was Peter who phoned

it’s me who does all the work

it would be wrong for us to do that

it is unbelievable that

it is impossible to study all the time

it is possible that he’ll come

is it fair that she should be punished while …?

it is easy to make a mistake

is it certain that …?

it’s the 3rd of May

but note the following alternatives with estar :

it’s the 3rd of May

wake up, it’s morning

it’s morning in New York now

it’s eight o’clock

it’s too hot

we’ve been here for ages

he won’t be here tomorrow

it’s 5 km to the village

where is the Town Hall?

it’s on the table

Edinburgh is in Scotland

the service will be at St Ninian’s Church

when I was young

when I’m old

she will be two tomorrow

“how old is she?” – “she’s nine”

my feet are cold

In certain expressions where English uses be + adjective to describe feelings ( be cold / hot / hungry / thirsty ), Spanish uses tener with a noun:

I’m very well, thanks

how are you now?

how are you?

Use estar with past participles used as adjectives describing the results of an action or process:

the book is in French

I’m from the south

if I were rich

I used to be poor but now I’m rich

she is boring

it’s (made of) plastic

the sky is blue

2. ( possession ) → ser she’s his sister → es su hermana it’s mine → es mío

if I were you

you be the patient and I’ll be the doctor

who wants to be Hamlet?

it was me

it’s me!

two and two are four

he wants to be a doctor

it’s me →It’s the postman →

It’s too hot →it’s a nice day →it’s windy →it’s cold →It’s too cold →

it’s 5 o’clock →it’s the 28th of April →It’s the 28th of October todayit’s 10 km to the village →

Where have you been? →Have you been to Greece before? →I’ve never been to Paris →

Edinburgh is in Scotland →I won’t be here tomorrow

(=) →the prettiest girl that ever was →be that as it may →so be it →

(=) →How much was the meal? →That’ll be £5, please

How old are you? →I’m fourteen →I’m sixteen years old →

How are you? →He’s fine now →He’s very illI’ve been illto be not o.s.He’s not himself →

(=) 2 and 2 are 4 →

I’m English →I’m tired →You’re late →We are all happy →They are in Paris at the moment →She’s a doctor →He’s a student →I’m coldI’m hungry

if I were you, I … →if it wasn’t for you … →

The house is to be sold →He’s not to open it →He was to have come yesterday →am I to understand that … ? →

It was funny, wasn’t it? →She’s not coming, is she? →

to be killed →He was nowhere to be seen →

What are you doing? →They’re coming tomorrow →I’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours →

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

had it not been or if it hadn’t been for him

and even if it were not so

were it not for him, if it weren’t or wasn’t for him

were it not for my friendship with him

were it not for the fact that I am a teacher, I would …

who said it first

it was me or I

who found it

it was us or we

it is 5 km to the nearest town

tomorrow is Friday/the 14th of June

it is dark/morning

nearby there are two churches

there he was sitting at the table

(= here/there it is)

(= take this)

here/there you are

here is a book/are two books

= like to have

I’ve just been and (gone and) broken it!

now you’ve been and done it

he has been and gone

the milkman has already been

I’ve been to Paris

to be or not to be

be that as it may

let me/him be

the powers that be

we’ve been here a long time

he is there at the moment but he won’t be much longer

I’m going to Berlin — how long will you be there?

it’s all done, is it? — yes it is/no it isn’t

you’re not ill, are you? — yes I am/no I’m not

he’s never late, is he? — yes he is

he’s always late, isn’t he? — yes he is

in passive constructions →; (but I did) →

and were I or if I were to tell him?

if it were or was to snow

he was not to be persuaded

she was never to return

I wasn’t to tell you his name

he is not to open it

I am not to be disturbed

I am to look after her

was ist zu tun ?, was soll geschehen

what is to be done?

not to be confused with

he is to be pitied/not to be envied

she was to be/was to have been dismissed but …

the car is to be sold

they were to have been married last week

they are shortly to be married

I will not be intimidated

it is/was being repaired

the box had been opened

he was run over

I was packing my case when …

I’ve just been packing my case

Note the use of bei + infinitive:

you will be hearing from us

will you be seeing her tomorrow?

I have been waiting for you for half an hour

Note how German uses the present tense:

what are you doing?

Note how German uses the simple tense:

how are you for a beer?

but wasn’t she glad when …

was he pleased to hear it!

that book is your brother’s/his

two times two is or are four

how much is that?

he’ll be three next month

how old is she?

they were horrified

to be hungry/thirsty

she’s not at all well

I’m better now

how are you?

Note that the article is used in German only when the noun is qualified by an adjective.

he wants to be a doctor

he is a soldier/a German

if I were you

be sensible!

to be critical of




) present tense am




, is


: past tense was


, were


: present participle ˈbeing: past participle been

(biːn, (American) bin)

: subjunctive were


: short forms I’m


(I am), you’re


(you are), he’s


(he is), she’s


(she is), it’s


(it is), we’re


(we are), they’re


(they are): negative short forms isn’t


(is not), aren’t


(are not), wasn’t


(was not), weren’t


(were not) – verb1. used with a present participle to form the progressive or continuous tenses.

I’m reading;

I am being followed;

What were you saying?.

Ek lees. Ek word gevolg. Wat het jy gesê?

يَسْتَعْمَل لِبِناء الفِعْل المُضارِع المُسْتَمـر

спомагателен глагол за профължите��ни времена

estar (+ inf)

forma slovesa BE používaná k vytvoření průběhového času


være i færd med

είμαιestar + gerundio

(kestev tegevus olevikus)

نشانه دستوری استمرار فعل


êtreיש, היה , היו וכו’



van, létezik

berfungsi untuk menyatakan kalimat sedang




[be doing]…하고 있는 중이다


zijnvære i ferd med , holde på medbyć, zostać

د فعل د دوام يا جريان نښه

estar a (+ inf)




oöversatt hjälpverb

ใช้กับรูปกริยา present participle แสดงการกระทำที่กำลังเกิดขึ้นในปัจจุบัน


у сполученні з present participle служить для утворення форми progressive чи continuous




used with a present participle to form the progressive or continuous tenses.

2. used with a present participle to form a type of future tense.

I’m going to London.

Ek gaan Londen toe

يُسْتَعْمَل لِبِناء فِعْل المُسْتَقْبَل

спомагателен глагол за образуване на вид бъдеще време

ir (+inf)

forma slovesa BE používaná k vytvoření jednoho z budoucích časů

im Begriff sein zu


ir a + infinitivo


نشانه دستوری برای اشاره به آینده؛ قرار است



יִהיֶה, יִהיוּ וכו’ לִיְצִירַת עָתִיד



ég er að fara, ég ætla að fara



[be doing]…할 예정[작정]이다




د راتلونكي لپاره د اشاري نښه


обозначает будущее время


skall el. oöversatt hjälpverb: jag åker till London

ใช้กับรูปกริยา present participle แสดงการกระทำที่จะเกิดขึ้นในอนาคต


у сполученні з present participle служить для утворення форми future


định; sẽ


used with a present participle to form a type of future tense.

3. used with a past participle to form the passive voice.

He was shot.

Hy is geskiet

يستعمل لبناء صيغة يُسْتَعْمَل لِبِناء صيغَة المَجْهول

спомагателен глагол за образуване на пасивни конструкции




blive; være



نشانه دستوری مجهول؛ شدن

tulla, joutua

êtreהיה , היתה וכו’ ליצירת עבר

bio je

berfungsi membentuk kalimat pasif


essere; farsi


[be done] …되다, 되고 있다



worden, zijner , blir/var, ble

يو مجهول يا گنگ حالت ته اشاره


a fi





vara, bli

ใช้กับรูปกริยา past participle แสดงกรรมวาจก


у сполученні з past participle служить для утворення форми passive




used with a past participle to form the passive voice.

4. used with an infinitive to express several ideas, eg necessity (When am I to leave?), purpose (The letter is to tell us he’s coming), a possible future happening (If he were to lose, I’d win) etc.

dيُسْتَعْمَل مع المَصْدَر للتَّعْبير عن عِدّة أفكار مثل: ضَروره، هَدَف، مُستَقْبَل مُحْتَمَل

за идеи


mít, muset

sollte, werden


deber + infinitivo; tener como propósito


قرار است

pitää, olla määrä

devoir; aller

פּועַל עֶזֶר להֲבָּעַת רָעָיוֹנוֹת


diikuti infinitive menyatakan akan

eiga; mun



[be to 부정사] 의무, 목적, 미래 등을 나타냄

turėti, lemta būti


moeten, dienen, etc.

skal/skulle (komme til å)

ټاکل شوي ده

a urma (să)


mať, musieť

morati (naj bi)


skall, skulle

ใช้กับรูปกริยา infinitive แสดงความคิดหลากหลาย เช่น ความจำเป็น วัตถุประสงค์ สิ่งที่อาจเกิดในอนาคต


у сполученні з інфінітивом означає повинність

ہے ہوں

sắp; phải


used with an infinitive to express several ideas,necessity (), purpose (), a possible future happening (

5. used in giving or asking for information about something or someone.

I am Mr Smith;

Is he alive?;

She wants to be an actress;

The money will be ours;

They are being silly.

يُسْتَعْمَل لِطَلَب مَعْلومات





være; blive

ser, estar


هستن؛ بودن



פּועַל עֶזֶר לִיצִירַת שֶאֱלוֹת


berfungsi membetuk kalimat tanya atau memberi informasi




사물이나 사람에 관한 정보를 제공하거나 요청하는 데 사용됨




zijnvære; bli


a fi





vara, bli



бути, бувати


dùng để nói về ai đó


used in giving or asking for information about something or someone.

ˈbeing noun1. existence.

When did the Roman Empire come into being?




existence, život

das (Da-)Sein


ύπαρξη, δημιουργίαexistencia


وجود؛ هستی







keberadaan, ada






eksistence; esamība


bestaantilværelse , det å være/bli tilistnienie



existenţă, naştere, fiinţă



bivanje, obstajanje


tillvaro, existens




буття, існування

موجود ہونا

sự tồn tại



2. any living person or thing.

beings from outer space.

كائِن، مَخْلوق



bytost, člověk, tvor

das Wesen












essere, creatura


존재하는 것


būtne; radījums



stwór, istota

يو ژوندی ژوي يا څيز


fiinţă, cretură


bytosť, tvor



varelse, väsen[de]





جاندار شخص یا شے

sinh vật


any living person or thing.

the be-all and end-all

This job isn’t the be-all and end-all of existence.

أهَم شَيئ في الدُّنياا

крайна цел


celý smysl, podstata, první a poslední

das Ein und Alles

alfa og omega

το άλφα και το ωμέγα

serlo todo

ülim eesmärk

مهمترین چیز؛ عامل عمده

lopullinen tarkoitus

le but suprême de

הַגוֹרֵם הַחָשוּב בְּיוֹתֵר

कोई वास्तविक महत्व का नहीं होना


végső cél

tujuan utama

endanlegt takmark

cosa più importante, essenziale


궁극적인 것

pagrindinis ir vienintelis tikslas

gals un sākums

bukan segala-galanya

de alfa en de omega

alfa og omegaistota , jedyny cel

لوی عامل


scopul suprem

суть ; конец и начало всего

začiatok a koniec všetkého

končni cilj

sve i svja

huvudsaken, det enda som gäller


en önemli şey




cốt lõi


the final aim apart from which nothing is of any real importance.




ˈbiː giː

) abbreviation

BSc Ingenieurswese

بَكالوريا في الهَنْدَسَه

бакалавър по машиностроене

Bacharel em Engenharia

bakalář technických věd

Dipl. Ing.

BE; B.E; bachelorgrad; lavere grad i ingeniørfag

πτυχίο στον κλάδο της μηχανικής (συντομογρ.)

licenciatura en Ingeniería

BSc (tehnikateaduste bakalaureus)

لیسانس مهندسی

tekniikan kandidaatti

diplômé en ingénierie

תוֹאַר רִאשוֹן בְּהַנדָסָה

इंजीनियरिंग स्नातक

prvostupnik tehničkog fakulteta

műszaki egyetemi végzettség


laureato/laurea in ingegneria


공학 학사

technikos bakalauras

inženierzinātņu bakalaurs

Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan

baccalaureus in de techniek

lavere grad i ingeniørfag

د انجینیري ليسانس

бакалавр технических наук

bakalár inžinierskeho štúdia

diplomirani inženir

diploma fakulteta tehnike

teknologie kandidat


mühendislik diploması


бакалавр технічних наук

پیچلر آف انجینئرنگ

cử nhân kỹ thuật


Bachelor of Engineering; first degree in Engineering.

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