Celemi – Apples & Oranges™ – Business Finance for Everyone

Digital learning solutions as part of an Celemi Apples & Oranges™ learning journey

Make the most out of your Celemi Apples & Oranges™ seminar by extending the experience with digital components. To get a stronger learning experience, better knowledge retention and a better chance at change within the workforce, we recommend you include our digital solutions in the Celemi Apples & Oranges™ learning journey.

Celemi Apples & Oranges™ Assessment – A web-based knowledge assessment completed in less than 10 minutes. Distributed as a link via the mail invitation to the seminar. Presents the main topics as well as follows up on the learning for the participant, gives the facilitator a chance to adapt facilitation to group pre-knowledge level, and gives the buyer a return on investments by showing learning progression on group level.

Celemi Apples & Oranges™ Micro learning – A free-standing set of bit-sized, digital interactions connected to Apples & Oranges and basic business finance. Sent via mail and accessed on any device. Helps participants in setting the scene before the seminar and prompts knowledge retention and application of newly gained knowledge after the seminar. Presented in short interactions in different media formats such as films, quizzes and assessments.

Celemi Apples & Oranges™ DigiGame – A game that makes participants deepen their learning through competition, answering quiz questions on understanding of business finance. Through scoring and leader boards, you see your own progress and compete against peers while deepening your learning on the subject matter.

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