Check your refund status online 24/7!


We do not have any information about your return at this time. E-filed returns could take one week to post to our system; mailed returns can take up to three weeks to post to our system. If you e-filed, check your email, tax software or tax preparer to ensure it has been accepted.


This refund status will continue to display until your return posts to our system. When it does, your refund status will automatically update.


We have received your return and it is being processed. No further information is available at this time.


This is a general processing status. While in this stage, our Call Center representatives have no further information about your return.

Unless your return is selected for additional review, or we request additional information, this will be your status throughout processing until we schedule a refund issue date.

When we schedule a refund issue date, your status will automatically update.

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