Complivit AQUA D3 (Cholecalciferol) 15000МЕ drops for oral administration

Instructions for Complivit AQUA D3 (Cholecalciferol) 15000МЕ drops for oral administration

Brief description
Prevention of vitamin D deficiency and diseases related to vitamin deficiency (rickets, osteomalations). Treatment of rickets. Complex therapy of osteoporosis of different genesis.

Testimony Complivit AQUA D3:

Prevention of vitamin D deficiency and diseases related to vitamin deficiency (rickets, osteomalation); treatment of rickets; complex therapy of osteoporosis of different genesis.


Vitamin D hypervitaminosis; elevated blood calcium (hypercalciemia)

Method of use and dosage Complivit AQUA D3:

The drug Compliments Aqua D3 is taken inside in a spoonful of liquid. One drop contains about 500 ME of vitamin D3. Prevention of richita A newborn with 4 weeks of life is prescribed one drop / day (500 ME); premature infants with 4 weeks of life – 2 drops/day (1000 IU) during the first year of life, then 1 drop/day (500 IU). Treatment of rickets In the absence of visible deformations of the bone system (mild degree of rickets) is prescribed for 2-3 drops/day (1000-1500 ME), treatment continues for thirty days.

Pharmacological effect:

Vitamin D3 is an active anti-richitic factor. The most important function of vitamin D3 is the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism, which promotes proper mineralization and skeletal growth. Vitamin D3 is a natural form of vitamin D that is produced in the skin by the sun.

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