Create Apple Developer Account | Uscreen Help Center

Steps to Set-up Apple Developer Account:

You will need:

-Apple ID Account with Two-factor Authentication

-Apple Device: iPhone/iPad/Mac (borrow one or buy a refurbished device)

Account Types: Individual & Organization

  • Apple requires you to enroll based on the type of business you own.

  • Use your Business Registration to help determine how to enroll.

  • Enrolling in the wrong Account Type will delay your apps.

    • If needed, you can convert from an Individual developer account to an Organization by contacting Apple with your business and tax information (more information found here)

>Sole Proprietorship, Single-Person Company: Enroll as INDIVIDUAL

>Corporation; Partnership; Limited Liability Company: Enroll as ORGANIZATION

1: Individual: One Person/One User

  • Your name will appear below the app name in the App Store.

  • You cannot share Developer Resources with other users.

  • You cannot add Members/Users. It’s like sharing access to a personal account.

  • You’ll share your Apple ID Account Login Credentials with Uscreen. For this reason, we highly recommend you create a new AppleID for this purpose and do not create an account using your personal, primary AppleID.

  • You cannot use an individual account if your app’s content is about finances, healthcare, or other highly regulated fields, per Apple guidelines, unless the content could be categorized as largely educational. So plan to se up an organizational account for apps with this type of content.

2: Organization: Multiple Users/Team Members

  • Your company/brand will appear below the app name in the App Store.

  • You can share Developer Resources (allows us to create, upload, publish apps)

  • You can add Team Members (ex. Uscreen) by inviting users to join the account.

  • Each member uses their own login and limited access to your information.

  • An organization account is required for apps with content about finances, healthcare, or other highly regulated fields, per Apple guidelines.

To enroll as an Organization you need:
Website: Publicly available; domain name must be related to your company
Legal Entity Status: To enter into contracts, company must be a legal entity
Legal Entity Name: Company name must correspond with the Tax ID
Legal Binding Authority: Person enrolling must have authority to sign agreements
DUNS Number: Used to check legal entity status; it’s easy to apply; details here

Section 1: Enroll in Apple Developer Program

1: Create Account (free): Apple Developer >click Account >Sign-In using Apple ID.

2: Enroll ($99/yr): Click Join Apple Developer Program >Enroll >Start Enrollment.

3: Select Entity Type:

-Individual: Accept Agreement, then Purchase Membership. Enrollment complete.

-Organization: Enter Company Information, then Submit application.

(May be prompted to sign agreement/purchase membership now or after approval.)

4: Wait for Approval: Apple verifies, then sends an email letting you know:

Enrollment is Approved; Additional Information is Needed; Issues Identified.

5: After Approved: Login to Apple Developer, then go to App Store Connect.

Section 2: Give Uscreen Access- Add New User

-App Store Connect >Users & Access >Add (+) >Enter Information >Invite.

Name: Uscreen Apps

Role: Admin (enables access to Resources)

Section 3: Set-Up Payment

***Required if offering an In-App Subscription***

1: Sign Paid Apps Agreement: Agreements, Tax & Banking

  • Below Action, click View Terms, then Add.

  • Check to accept, then Submit. Status changes to Pending User Information.

  • Complete the Action indicated:

2: Add Information: Click Set up Tax, Banking, & Contacts

Add Banking:

-Under Accounts, click Add Bank Account.

-Enter bank and account information, then click Add.

Add Tax:

Everyone is required to complete the US Tax Forms section. This is where you indicate if you are a U.S. Resident/Company or not.

-Under Tax Forms, click Complete US Tax Forms.

-Check YES (located in the U.S.) or NO (located outside the U.S.).

-Additional questions and forms needed are based on your response.

Add Contacts:

You’ll add a user for each Role (Management, Financial, Legal, Technical, Marketing). You can add one contact (and use for all roles) or multiple contacts.

-Add New Contact: Click Role, enter name, title, email, phone, then Add.

-Choose Existing Contact: Click Role, select user, then Add.

3: When complete, Paid Apps will change to Active.

To proceed with app development, Free & Paid Apps must be green.

Additional Notes:
-Once Paid Apps Agreement is requested, you must complete the process.
-Tax Forms must be complete for Banking Information to be processed.
-For more information: App Store Connect Help

Video Walkthrough of Setting up an Apple Developer Account

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