Freedom Groups — Soul Care Consulting

What are Freedom Groups?

Freedom Groups are a way to help people look at their sins, sorrows, and struggles beyond behavior and circumstance. We get to the root level of the heart and view all of life through the lenses of the gospel, in order to gain freedom in Jesus Christ.

You may wonder, “How are Freedom Groups different from other recovery or care ministry options? Why should we consider this curriculum?” 

  • Freedom Groups are a biblical, Christ-Centered alternative to secular and integrated recovery support groups.

  • Freedom Groups are targeting heart change, making them a place of hope and compassion for those caught in sin and those who are enduring suffering.

  • Freedom Groups are a specialized small group for those who need more than friendly encouragement but may not be ready for or need formal counseling.

Local Church Connection

You may also wonder how Freedom Groups could fit into your local church context. We believe most churches are all about making and maturing disciples. We know that often means we need a welcoming front door. We need to show compassion before we bring needed correction or teaching. We purposely developed this curriculum to be taught in loving community. You need to ask yourself:  

  • Does this offering advance the mission of our church?

  • Does this fill a care gap, so people won’t fall through the cracks? 

  • Does this complement the existing discipleship and care ministries?

  • Does this promote your philosophy of biblical counseling in your church?

  • Does this have full and passionate support from the leadership of the church?

Maybe all those are an easy yes, but know we are here to help if you still have questions.  

Personal Impact for Participants

Another important marker for the fruitfulness of a ministry offering is personal impact. Here are eight ways participants have said they have been impacted by Freedom Groups.

  1. Participants grow in their understanding of the God of the Bible.

  2. Participants grow in their understanding of who they are in Christ.

  3. Participants get practical help to respond biblically to life’s struggles.

  4. Participants find out why a desire has become a stronghold and how to overcome it. 

  5. Participants realize they are not alone.

  6. Participants learn to lean into Christ and community.

  7. Participants learn how to share their testimony of freedom in Christ.  

  8. Participants raise the bar of transparency as they assimilate into church community.

Freedom Groups is a product of Soul Care Consulting

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