Gym ab workout: 23 best lower ab + weighted ab exercises UK 2023

Looking for the best gym ab workouts? From exercises to lose belly fat, to lower ab exercises, there is so much core-related fitness content out there that you could spend hours trawling through YouTube until you find the moves that really work for you.

The good news is, you’re in the right place. Because, rather than leaving you to find the precise set of moves that set your mid section on fire, WH has done the hard bit.

In amongst the ab exercises for women that genuinely help you build a strong core, we’ve filtered them according to the three categories you all search for on the reg: abs workout at home, and lower ab exercises and weighted ab exercises that can both be done within gym ab workouts.

But first, allow us to answer your ab workout FAQs.

What are the benefits of training your core?

  • Improves balance
  • Increases coordination
  • Can contribute to better posture
  • Stabilises your lower back
  • Increases power in larger compound exercises

    ‘When you train your core, your lower back also gets stronger and healthier, making you less likely to suffer from back pain,’ explains David Wiener, training specialist at AI-based fitness and lifestyle coaching app Freeletics. ‘This is especially important if you spend a lot of time sitting down, or work in a sedentary job.’

    ‘Not only that but as your back and abdominal area become stronger, the body’s balance and coordination will also improve. In addition, when you do core exercises it stimulates a particular area in the brain called the cerebellum which affects coordination, spatial awareness and balance. These exercises are not only a workout for your body, but also for your brain.’

    Indeed, before we go any further, we want to clarify that the point of workouts which strengthen your core are is so much bigger than the pursuit of a six pack. Hyper visible or not, a strong core means that you’ll be less likely to get injured from exercise, you’ll be able to lift heavier weights, and you’ll have better balance and posture – to name just a few of the rewards you’ll reap from giving your mid section some love.

    Now, onto the workouts.

    How often should I do gym ab workouts?

    The same goes for both gym ab workouts and home ab exercises: ‘I would go for 5 – 15 minutes 2-3 times a week depending on your other regular exercises,’ says Sweatband consultant personal trainer, Ruth Stone.

    Making sure your entire core is strong is also crucial for pregnant or post-natal women. Find out more about diastasis recti or training your core post-pregnancy.

    Can I do ab workouts at home?

    If you don’t have a membership to do gym ab workouts, don’t fret. You absolutely do not need one, or any home gym equipment for that matter, to train your core effectively, says PT Aimee Victoria Long. ‘Some of the hardest core exercises use purely body weight.

    Exercises such as side planks, TRX knee tucks and pikes are all just bodyweight exercises and are still incredibly effective.’ You can do the following exercises (both lower ab exercises and weighted ab exercises at home – all you’ll need for the weighted section is either a kettlebell or a pair of dumbbells).

    13 best lower ab exercises to add to your gym ab workout

    preview for 13 Lower Ab Exercises | WHUK

    Watch the video above for demos on each of these lower ab exercises to add into your gym ab workout:

    • Deadbug
    • Bird dog
    • Boat tucks
    • Flutter kicks
    • Leg raises
    • Scissor kicks
    • Supine leg circles
    • Suitcase sit-ups
    • Bicycle crunch
    • Reverse crunch
    • Jackknife
    • Mountain climbers
    • Plank jacks

    How important are lower abs exercises in a gym ab workout?

    You’re au fait with crunches and a dab hand at sit-ups but how often do you incorporate ‘lower abs’ exercises into your gym ab workout (or home sesh)? Probably not enough. Making sure your entire core is strong, not just the upper abdominals, is key. Hollie Grant, expert Pilates instructor and founder of Pilates PT breaks it down:

    ‘The abdominal muscles run across the front section of the core, and they overlap and interplay with each other – they don’t work on their own, they tend to work as a team. However, muscles like to be tested and pushed to fully lengthen, and contract, to be functional.

    ‘If we always do the same movements, we start to notice that we get dominant muscles that do all the work, and weaker muscles then struggle to do their job when needed.’

    ‘What we need to do is think about the direction muscles are trained in. When we do crunches we are focussing on a top-down movement eg the rib cage moves down towards the pelvis. But we also need to encourage movements that are from a bottom-up direction e.g. the pelvis comes up towards the ribcage. An example of that would be a reverse crunch, where we are lifting the pelvis off the floor using our abdominals to draw the pelvis up to our ribs.’

    Making sure your entire core is strong is also crucial for pregnant or post-natal women. Find out more about diastasis recti or training your core post-pregnancy.

    It’s also key to remember that lower belly fat manifests differently in women than men. The area is a common one for women to store body fat and contributes to healthy hormone function and organ and uterus protection.

    ‘We all have a different personal blueprint when it comes to body fat and women should try to sustain at a healthy level to support ovulation and uterine protection. Fat tissue also helps to store energy for long-distance and endurance sports and plays an important part in immune function,’ says Maria Eleftheriou, Head of Barre at Psycle London.

    With this in mind, trying to lower your body fat beyond a healthy body fat percentage can play havoc with your hormones, even if it means losing that little fat deposit at the bottom of your core. Focusing on a healthy, balanced lifestyle will serve you, your body and your menstrual cycle much better.

    ‘Rather than focusing on body fat alone, you should always be considered an overall healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet, exercising more and incorporating “hybrid training” including weightlifting sessions and barre or Pilates into your routine,’ says Eleftheriou.

    Is there anyone who shouldn’t perform lower abs exercises?

    As with everything, there are some people who’ll need to think a little more carefully about what exercises they’re performing within a standard gym ab workout and why. Here’s the expert opinion on who should consider swerving (or at least modifying) lower abs exercises to make them suitable for them.

    ‘Some women during and post-pregnancy should avoid performing lower ab exercise,’ says Josh Davies, PT at Aimee Victoria Long. ‘If they are working with a trainer or attending classes then modifications should be made and trainers will be able to provide an alternative exercise. Plus, anybody who suffers from disc issues in their back should avoid lower ab exercises and concentrate more on compound exercises that target the core, like plank holds.’

    10 best weighted ab exercises to add to your gym ab workout

    preview for 10 Weighted Ab Exercises | WHUK

    There are demos of each of the best weighted ab exercises to include in your gym ab workout in the video above, and here’s a list for you to make note of:

    • Weighted Sit Up
    • Sit Up with Over Head Press
    • Sit Up with Forward Press
    • Alternating Side Bend
    • Side Bend
    • Kettlebell Sit Up
    • Straight Leg Sit Up with Bent Arms
    • Straight Leg Sit Up with Straight Arms
    • Crunch with Pull Over
    • Plank with Lateral Pulls

    How important are weighted abs exercises in a gym ab workout?

    Weighted ab exercises can be a brilliant way to increase the difficulty of the core exercises you’re doing within our gym ab workouts, and to build strength throughout your trunk –the slightly unsavoury but technical word for your abdominals, back and pelvic floor.

    ‘Adding weight to your core exercises allows you to increase the load you’re putting through your core,’ explains personal trainer and founder of the Body Beautiful Method, Aimee Victoria Long. This extra load forces your body to work harder to stabilise as you move, making the exercise much harder.

    Is there anyone who shouldn’t do weighted ab exercises?

    • Anyone with back or disc issues
    • Pregnant women
    • If you have weak abdominal or back muscles

      ‘If you have any back issues or if you are pregnant, this adds a level of complexity, so you must ensure you have sign off from a doctor or physio and that your exercise selection, rep range and use of weights is correct for your personal needs. If you’re still unsure, I would always advise working one-on-one with a coach,’ advises Head of Strength at Psycle, Ryan Baronet.

      Is it necessary to use weights to train your abs?

      It’s not always possible to use weights within your gym ab workout (if you’ve ever gone to the gym during peak hours you’ll know the struggle), and this also goes if you’re working out at home and have fairly limited home gym equipment. Luckily, it’s not the end of the world.

      You absolutely do not need to use weights to train your core effectively, whether within a gym ab workout or a home sesh, says Long. ‘Some of the hardest core exercises use purely body weight. Exercises such as side planks, TRX knee tucks and pikes are all just bodyweight exercises and are still incredibly effective.’

      What’s the difference between my ‘abs’ and my ‘core’?

      When you refer to your abs, you’re referring to the specific abdominal muscles we covered at the beginning – e.g. internal and external obliques, transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis – whereas your ‘core’ is literally everything housed in the trunk of your body such as the diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles, your back muscles and to some extent, your core.

      Put simply, your core = everything; abs = specific abdominal muscles.

      What muscles actually make up your abdominals?

      Need a quick #refresh on what muscles you actually mean when you vaguely refer to your abs?

      1. External obliques (obliques are the muscles on the side that make the ‘hourglass’ definition)
      2. Internal obliques
      3. Transversus abdominis (acts like a corset around your midsection)
      4. Rectus abdominis (commonly called the ‘sit-up’ muscles, they start from the pubic section and extend the entire length of your trunk)

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