How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?

You can create a quiz using a question group. Question groups allow you to place multiple questions within a group for students to answer. You can choose the number of questions that should be answered from the group and how many points to assign each question. Creating a question group randomizes questions within a quiz.

You can add questions to your question group in several ways:

  • Link to a question bank to reference all questions in a question bank
  • Add an individual question to create your own questions from scratch
  • Find questions to reference specific questions from a question bank


  • If you need your questions to appear in a specific order, do not place quiz questions inside a question group.
  • When the Default to New Quizzes feature option is enabled, you cannot create new Classic Quizzes. However, existing Classic Quizzes can continue to be edited, imported, and migrated to New Quizzes.

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