How old is Qiqi in Genshin Impact, how tall and when is the birthday

Qiqi growth in Genshin Impact: how old and when is the birthdayРост Ци Ци в Genshin Impact: сколько лет и когда день рождения

Qi qi is a legendary Cryo swordsman in Genshin impact and has an excellent ability to heal himself and his teammates. More than a century ago, she strayed into the battlefield of Adepts with demons by accident and found herself on the verge of death. However, the former did not want to allow the death of an innocent child and put a piece of their immortality into it, and then sealed it in amber for a hundred years to appease the madness from too much power. After the expiration of Qiqi, I was lucky to meet the owner of the “Bubu” hut Bai Zhuwho took her in and gave her a job in his shop.

Being a zombie without a master, the girl has to give orders to herself in order to do anything. It is known that she always carries a notebook with notes, as she has great memory problems, and does gymnastics several times a day to maintain body mobility. Players want to know more about such an unusual “child”: how old is Qiqi, how tall is she and when was she born. We will talk about all this later in the article.

Qiqi Growth

character growth

рост персонажейFor the zombie girl in the game, a low female body model is used. In different sources, its height is different, but on average, the growth of Qiqi ~ 137 cm.

How old is Qiqi

The character is one of the heroes with two lifespans. The biological age of Qiqi is 8 years, and the real age is more than 100 years.

When is Qiqi’s birthday

Qiqi's birthdayДень рождения Ци ЦиQiqi’s birthday is March 3, according to the zodiac sign Pisces. This and other information can be found in the “About the character” section, even if you have not received a hero in the collection. It is available to any player, just go to the “Character Gallery” in the Paimon menu and select a swordswoman from the list.

We advise you to go to Genshin Impact on March 3, because on this day every Traveler receives a letter in the in-game mail with words from the birthday girl and some gifts: a small number of resources and a special Qiqi dish “Dish Without a Future”. You can cook it yourself if you take Naletayka’s recipe as a basis and put a zombie girl as a cook.

birthday letter from Qiqiписьмо от Ци Ци на день рождения

We hope our article helped you find out Qiqi’s height, date of birth and approximate age. Share your opinion about Cryo Healer in comments, Read qi qi zombie buildand see information about Height and age of Genshin Impact characters.

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