How to share your Apple Arcade subscription ? | Spliiit
Video games
Mục Lục
Are you an owner? Before you start, make sure you have subscribed to one of these offers:
Unlimited access to over 100 new games.
The sharing of this service is by invitation. No sharing of credentials is necessary.
You have an Apple Arcade subscription and you want to share it but you don’t know how to do it?
We will explain everything here 🙂
Important : Before any sharing with your co-subscribers, make sure that the sharing of purchases is deactivated!
You can only be a member of one family at a time and you can only change your family group once a year.
The method :
For the owner:
In order to be able to invite someone to join your subscription, your co-subscriber must provide you with the email address or username used for his or her Apple account. If he or she does not have one, he or she will have to create one.
From your iPhone or iPad :
Go to Settings > iCloud (your name) then Family Share.
Then press Add a member and invite via Message
Enter the email address of your co-subscriber and send the invitation.
From your Mac :
Click on the Apple at the top left of your screen then System Preferences.
Then select Family Sharing in the new window
Finally press “+” then enter the email address of your co-subscriber.
For the co-subscriber :
You have received the invitation by email or SMS. Just click on the invitation and follow the instructions.