I am the Music Man with Lyrics | The Learning Station

I amthe Music ManThumbI amthe Music ManThumb

A Fitness & Learning Musical Blast!

Your children will learn the moves to this popular dance song that is sweeping the world.  This fun dance song makes a great brain breaks activity anytime you want your children to get up, move, release stress, refresh, recharge and regenerate.  It also perfect for circle time, group activities, indoor recess and physical education. And it’s a HIT at family performances!  This song is ideal for preschool, kindergarten and elementary age children.

I am the Music Man

From the CD, 

Brain Breaks Action Songs: Let’s Move!

by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station

 (Directions: Sing “What can you play?” after each first line. Then sing along and pretend to play each instrument.)

I am the music man. I come from far away and I can play. (What can you play?)
I play the piano. Pia pia piano piano piano – Pia pia piano pia piano

I am the music man. I come from far away and I can play. (What can you play?)
I play the violin. Vio vio violin violin violin – Vio vio violin vio violin
Pia pia piano piano piano – Pia pia piano pia piano

I am the music man. I come from far away and I can play. (What can you play?)
I play the saxophone. Saxo saxo saxophone saxophone saxophone
Saxo saxo saxophone saxo saxophone
Vio vio violin violin violin – Vio vio violin vio violin
Pia pia piano piano piano – Pia pia piano pia piano

I am the music man. I come from far away and I can play. (What can you play?)
I play the big bass drum. Big bass big bass big bass drum big bass drum big bass drum
Big bass big bass big bass drum big bass big bass drum
Saxo saxo saxophone saxophone saxophone – Saxo saxo saxophone saxo saxophone
Vio vio violin violin violin – Vio vio violin vio violin
Pia pia piano piano piano – Pia pia piano pia piano

I am the music man. I come from far away and I can play. (What can you play?)
Well, I can play everything and here we go! Hit it! Play that piano. Play that violin.
Play that saxophone. Play that big bass drum.

LetsMoveBrain Breaks Action Songs: Let’s Move!

Children will love this energizing collection of fun, interactive activity and dance songs. Exercise, dance and learning go hand in hand. Regular brain breaks enhance attentiveness, concentration and focus. They accelerate learning by allowing children to release their energy, anxiety and stress.  Brain breaks also increase circulation, promote physical fitness and coordination.  These action, dance and movement songs make it easy to integrate brain breaks into your classroom.  They are also great activity songs for physical education, group activities or indoor recess. Includes booklet with lyrics and instructions.  

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In a Hurry!

ALL Learning Station music is available for Download!  Click here

Full CD Downloads are fast, easy, save time and money! Also, they include a printable PDF of the entire CD booklet with lyrics and actions.  

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