😍iEmoji.com – 👀Lookup, ✨Convert, and Get Emoji! 🔥
Emoji is a Standard
Emoji is a computer language created to send lots of information in a small amount of data. It is the equivelent of a list of predefined messages you can select that show up as pictures. But not all phones and computers can decode them yet! Not only that, each one can show up differently! iEmoji.com allows you to create and view these messages on any device.
The many many iPhone emojis cover a huge variety of subjects. You can search iEmoji on Google easily by adding “site:iemoji.com” to the end of your search string. Just try the google search “funny site:iemoji.com” or view the most popular emojis by clicking the Popular Emoji link above.
Read about the history of emoji… iEmoji style!
This site allows you to see both iPhone emoji versions (pre and post unicode) without an iPhone. You can create the older Softbank codes here too!