Marry/ Get Married/ Be Married
A lot of people get confused about how to use these words. Maybe this
will help.
to marry (someone)– this is the general verb. It is the time when
people come together as husband and wife. Do not say I married
with someone. It is not correct. And do not say I married
to someone. It is also incorrect.
Correct example: I married Sam 3 years ago.
to get married– this talks about the time two people got
married. It makes us think of the wedding.
Correct example: I got married.
to get married to (someone)– We think of who was
married in the wedding. Do not say I got married with
someone. It is incorrect.
Correct example: I got married to Sam.
to get married in (someplace)– We think of where the wedding
took place.
Correct Example: I got married in Hawaii.
to be married– This means a state of being. Are you married
or are you single?
Correct Example: I am married.
to be married (to someone)– Also state of being. But who is
married to you?
Correct Example: I am married to Sam.
Conclusion– When you use to marry or to get married,
think about the wedding. When you use to be married, think about
the person’s life now.
Check Your Understanding
Fill in the blanks with the correct form
of marry. Check your answers by clicking on the arrows.
1. Is Jim single or married? He .
2. Who did he marry? He Susan.
3. Where did he get married? He London.
4. Is Anna single? No, she .
5. Who is Anna married to? She Juan.
6. What is Jolene going to do this Saturday? She is going to