Meant To Be Bouquet at From You Flowers
Same Day Flower Delivery is available in the USA from our network of local florist partners. Orders for flower delivery today must be placed by 3pm in the delivery zip code. Next day delivery options or dates in the future are also available. Cut off time for delivery same day varies on weekends and during peak holidays.
In order to ensure you receive the freshest product possible, we will make every attempt to deliver the specified product. In some cases our florists may need to substitute a similar container or flowers.
From You Flowers works hard to maintain a network of reliable florists nationwide, but sometimes
delivery issues cannot be avoided. We want you to know that From You Flowers stands behind our
100% satisfaction guarantee and, if you are not satisfied with the timing of your delivery, you
should contact us.
If one of our florists lets us know that your selected delivery time and/or date cannot or will
not be met, we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of the situation. From You
Flowers will then attempt to deliver your order as soon as possible, unless you promptly let us
know that you would like to cancel your order instead. Also, if you paid extra for an expedited
delivery feature and your selected delivery time and/or date cannot be met, From You Flowers
will automatically refund your expedited delivery fee.
If you do not receive a delivery confirmation email within 24 hours of your selected delivery
date and time, please let us know so that we can follow up on your order.
We will issue you a full refund upon your request or agree on some other resolution to your
delivery issue that is satisfactory to you, unless we can establish that your order was received
by your selected delivery date and time, or the order was untimely due to some fault of you or
the recipient of the order (for example, an incorrect delivery address was provided, there was
no one at the delivery address to accept the order, or the person at the delivery address
refused delivery).