SOLUTION: cos(A-B)-sin(A+B)
The good lady Ikleyn didn't finish. She didn't take it all the way to a product. When you start with a sum or difference of 2 trig functions as in the case of this one, cos(A-B)-sin(A+B), it's normally assumed that you are to change it to a product of 2 trig functions, not as a product of 2 sums or differences of trig functions. I'll start from scratch, and take it all the way to a product involving only two trig functions.That's essentially what she got. That's a product, but a product of two differences. We started with an expression that contained only two trig functions. We aren't done when we get it to and expression containing four trig functions. So we can keep going, using the trick that both the sine and cosine of are the same since both equal . We can multiply both parentheses through by , which is legitimate as long as we divide by twice also. Since the cosine and sine of are the same we can change the red sines to cosines. Now we use the identity to replace the parentheses: And since , the constant out front, So here's the final answer as a product of two trig functions: Edwin