The 5 AM Club Quotes | Robin Sharma | Scribble Whatever
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“A bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul.” (The 5 AM Club Quotes)
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“A major key to happiness – and internal peace – is knowing you’ve done whatever it took to earn your rewards and passionately invested the effortful audacity to become your best.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“A problem will persist until you get the education it showed up to bring.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“A wishbone without a backbone doesn’t really get you very far.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“A year from now, you’ll be so happy you began today.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“All shadow of insecurity dissolve in the warm glow of persistency.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“All the best men and women of the world have one thing in common, extreme suffering. And each of them evolved into their greatness because they chose to leverage their circumstances to heal, purify and uplift themselves.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“All work and no break depletes your greatness, over time.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Always stay sincere to what’s most important in a life greatly lived. Be not seduced by the superficialities that suffocate the human spirit and divorce us from the best within us.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Ambition without implementation is a ridiculous delusion.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” —Friedrich Nietzsche”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Anyone can be a critic. Takes guts to be an encourager.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Art feeds my soul. Great books battleproof my hope. Rich conversations magnify my creativity. Wonderful music uplifts my heart. Beautiful sights fortify my spirit.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“As we began to dream bigger, learn quicker and raise our levels of creativity, productivity and performance, the ancient brain and the mastery brain began to conflict.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Be a virtuoso. A standout. An exceptionalist. The Top 5% are a lot less concerned with fame, cash and approval and a lot more invested in punching above their weight class within their craft, playing above their pay grade around their talents and creating the kind of productivity that inspires – and serves – millions. That’s often why they make millions.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Become a collector of awesome experiences instead of a consumer of material things. Simplify your life and make a return to the essential enjoyments that are sitting right under your noses. As you do, you will overcome the forces that have suppressed your fire and tear down the charade of superficiality that so many fine souls among us are stuck in. And as you continue, you will come to know how gorgeous and terrific your life really is.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Becoming legendary in your industry is all about substainebility.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Becoming legendary is never easy. But I’d prefer that journey to the heartbreak of being stuck in ordinary that so many potentially heroic people deal with constantly.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Being a high-impact leader never require being a disrespectful person.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Being busy doesn’t always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Being busy doesn’t mean you are productive.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Clarity breeds mastery.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Daily discomfort is the price of enduring success.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Dedication and discipline beats brilliance and giftedness every day of the week.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Do not betray the powers that sleep within you by staying too late in a soft bed that keeps you sedated. The great men and women of the world became so not because they lounged glamorously under the covers, but because they set sublime ambitions that they then proceeded to do – even as the majority called them crazy.” (The 5 AM Club Quotes)
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Dream Big. Start small. Begin Now.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Early in the morning, when you are reluctant in your laziness to get up, let this thought be at hand, “I am rising to do the work of human being.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Elite producers and everyday heroes understand that what you do each day matters far more than what you do once in a while. Consistency really is a key ingredient of mastery. And regularity is a necessity if you’re amped to make history.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Elite production without quiet vacation causes lasting depletion. Rest and recovery isn’t a luxury for anyone committed to mastery – it’s a necessity.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Every challenging event you’ve experienced, each toxic person that you’ve encountered and all the trials you’ve endured have been perfect preparation to make you into the person that you now are. You needed these lessons to activate the treasures, talents and powers that are now awakening within you. Nothing was an accident. Zero was a waste.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Every day is just dramatically better with some exercise in it.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Every dream of being a legend until it comes time to do the work that legends do.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Every morning you wake up with a full battery of creative power.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Everyone dreams of being a legend until it comes time to do the work that legends do.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Everyone you now find easy, once you found hard.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“F1 racer Mario Andretti said: ‘If everything seems under control you’re not going fast enough.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Failing to keep self-promises is one of the reasons so many of us don’t love ourselves. Not following through on what we tell ourselves we’ll do so destroys our sense of personal worth and dissolves our self-esteem. Keep behaving like that and the unconscious part of you will begin to believe you’re not worth anything.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Follow your joy. Only be around those people who fuel your joy. Perform those pursuits that feed your bliss. Only be in those places that make you feel most alive.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Gargantuan results are much less about your inherited genetics and far more about your daily habits. And your morning ritual is by far the most essential one to calibrate. And then automate.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Generosity – not scarcity – is the trait of all of the great men and women who have upgraded our world.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Genuine power – the stuff legends are made of – doesn’t arise from who you are outside and what you possess externally. The world is lost right now. True and enduring power expresses itself when you contact your original gifts and realize your most lavish talents as a human.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“God, life is beautiful. Don’t miss out on all of its awesomeness and incredibleness. It’s there for you – no matter what you might be going through.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Great ones all spent a lot of time alone.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Great power is unleashed with a simple start.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Hard is good. Real greatness and the realization of your inherent genius is meant to be a difficult sport. Only those devoted enough to go to the fiery edges of their highest limits will expand them.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Having lots of money doesn’t make you different. It just makes you more of who you were before you made the cash.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the I’ll person can see.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Heaven on Earth isn’t some mystical, spiritual place to aspire to. It’s not some realm reserved only for saints, seers and sages. Not at all. I’ve discovered that Heaven on Earth is a state, that anyone can create.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“High victory is made in those early morning hours when no one’s watching and while everyone else is sleeping.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Human beings are hardwired to act in alignment with our self-identity, always. You’ll never rise higher than your personal story.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Human beings have a tragic habit of remembering the things that would be smart to forget and forgetting the wonderful things it would be wise to remember.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep, I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“I hated every minute of training. But I said “Don’t quit. Suffer now and love the rest of your life as an champion”. ~Muhammad Ali”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“I just like to keep things real,nice, simple and completely authentic.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Ideas are worth nothing unless backed by application. The smallest of implementations is always worth more than the grandest of intentions.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“If everyone would only clean their own doorstep, the whole world would be clean”. ~Mother Teresa”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“If everything seems under control you’re not going fast enough.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“If you don’t keep rising daily you’ll get struck in your life, for rest of your life.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“If you knew how much work went into it, you would not call it genius.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“If you sense your life is a mess right now, this is simply because your fears are just a little stranger than your faith”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“If you sense your life’s a mess right now, this is simply because your fears are just a little stronger than your faith. With practice, you can turn down the volume of the voice of your scared self. And increase the tone of your most triumphant side.” (The 5 AM Club Quotes)
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“In a culture of cyber-zombies, addicted to distraction and afflicted with interruption, the wisest way to guarantee that you consistently produce mastery-level results in the most important areas of your professional and personal life is to install a world-class morning routine. Winning starts at your beginning. And your first hours are when heroes are made.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“In so many ways, reflection is a main source of transformation because once you know better, you definitely can do better.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Insecurity, scarcity, selfishness and unhappiness are all children of fear.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Inspiration and masterful and fearless are all inside jobs.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Inspiration gets fed by isolation, away from the ceaseless digital diversion and mindless overcommunication that dominates the hours of the majority these days.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“It takes an awesome amount of courage to feel the terror of true personal and professional growth – and to keep going – even when you sort of feel you’re dying. But continuing when you’re frightened is how you become a legend.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“I’ve learned that being successful without feeling soulful is the highest of defeats.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Just being around the information will awaken something special in you.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Just trust that highest and wisest part of you is leading you.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Keep the shortness of life at the forefront of your focus. Don’t put off your happiness until you have more time, or you get the promotion, or you have more money in the bank.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Latin root word of the word “passion” means “suffer”.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Leadership is about making a difference, right where you’re planted.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Leadership isn’t just for global icons and marketplace titans. It’s an arena everyone gets to play in. Because leadership is a lot less about having a formal title, a large office and money in the bank. And a lot more about committing to mastery over all you do – and in who you are.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Less talk and more do.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Life’s finest treasures live in the simplest moments.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Life’s too short to play small with your talents. You were born into the opportunity as well as the responsibility to become legendary. You’ve been built to achieve masterwork-level projects, designed to realize unusually important pursuits and constructed to be a force for good on this tiny planet.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Life’s way too valuable to hang with people who don’t get you. Who you just don’t vibe with. Who have different values and lower standards than you do.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Limitation is nothing more than a mentality that too many good people practice daily until they believe it’s reality. It breaks my heart to see so many potentially powerful human beings stuck in a story about why they can’t be extraordinary, professionally and personally. You need to remember that your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars and your doubts are thieves.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Little pressure and stress aren’t bad. They’re actually necessary for expansion of your capacity.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Living the same week a few thousand times and calling it a life. I need to tell you that too many among us die at thirty and are buried at eighty.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Making things look simple to the untrained eyes is the mark of a mastery.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Massive productivity in society without an abundant heart, an authentic sense of joyfulness and enduring inner peace was no different from the game a hamster plays on a running wheel. It thinks it’s moving, yet it remains in a cage.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Mastery isn’t a sudden event. It really is a ceaseless process that may take years of painstaking craftsmanship, practice, sacrifice and suffering before the finished project intensifies to a level that moves the world.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Most of us alive today wish we had more time. Yet we waste the time we have.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Most people take the limits of their visions to be the limits of the world. A few do not. Join them. ”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“No idea works until you do the work.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“No matter where you are on the pathway of your life, please don’t let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of your fabulous future.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“No one will believe in your ability to do great things until we first believe in our greatness and then put in the sincere and rigorous effort to realize it.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Nothing beats going to sleep early each night with an unspoiled conscience and a mess-free heart.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Nothing works for those who don’t do the work.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“On the other side of every tragedy lives a triumph. And beyond adversity exists a bridge into enduring victory, if one has the eyes to see it.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Once you know better you can achieve bigger.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“One of the primary aims of a wonderfully crafted life is contribution.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Only people in pain do painful things to others.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can suffer great sorrow.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Our culture tells us to pursue titles and trinkets, applause and acclaim, money and mansions. All that’s fine – it truly is – so long as you don’t get brainwashed into defining your worth as a human being by these things. Enjoy them, just don’t get attached to them. Have them, just don’t base your identity around them. Appreciate them, just don’t need them.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Own your morning and Elevate your life.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Pablo Picasso once said,”if you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you’ll become a pope. Instead, I was painter and became Picasso.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Peak producers are lifetime learners.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“People who hurt others really are hurting within themselves. They are behaving in the wisest way they know how to behave. If they were capable of conducting themselves with greater leadership, generosity and humanity, they would have done so.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Personal discipline is a muscle, the more you stretch it, the stronger it grows.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Please remember that great companies and wonderful lives don’t happen by sudden revolution. Nope. They materialize via incremental evolution. Tiny, daily wins and iterations stack into outcomes of excellence, over the long-term. But few of us have the patience these days to endure the long game. As a result, not many of us ever become legends.” (The 5 AM Club Quotes)
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Poverty is the consequence of an inner condition, not an outer situation. To believe otherwise is to hand over your capacity to produce the magic of the prosperity that you want to the very things you are complaining of.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Punctuality is the trait of royality.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Real power never comes from a life of ease, but one of intense effort, devoted discipline and demanding action in the direction of what your supreme self knows to be right.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Real power never comes from anything external.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Remember, every professional was once an amateur, and every master started as a beginner. Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats, once they’ve routinized the right habits.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Self education is the only kind of education there is.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Self-care is essential to self-love.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Should someone do you wrong, let karma do the dirty work. And let a world-class life be your revenge.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Small things matter when it comes to mastery.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Small, daily, seemingly insignificant improvements, when done consistently over time, yield staggering results.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“So many good souls among us are just so scared they refuse the call on their lives to go out into the blue ocean of possibility where mastery, the dignity of bravery and the authenticity of audacity await them.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Stop insisting on clearing your head, clear your heart instead.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Stop managing your time and start managing your focus.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Straight on hustle. Rise and grind. I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Sweat more in practice, bleed less in war.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The best and the most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen even heard but must be felt with the heart”. ~Helan keller”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The best in the world have depth.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The brilliant moves in the last seconds of the championship match is automatic – the result of tireless hours of repetition of those splendid moves during training.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The determinants of a magnificent life have remained the same for centuries: a sense that you’re growing and capitalizing on your human potential; effortful work that draws out your finest productivity and is profitable for humanity; weighty connections with positive people who escalate your jubilation; and time doing that which nurtures your spirit as you advance through your days with a grateful heart.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The grade of work you offer to the world reflects the strength of the respect you have for yourself. Those with unfathomable personal esteem wouldn’t dare send out anything average. It would diminish them too much.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The great women and men of the world were all givers, not takers. Renounce the common delusion that those who accumulate the most win.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The greatest of leaders were all servant leaders.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The job of the leader is to help disbelievers embrace your vision, the powerless to overcome their weaknesses and the hopeless to develop faith.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The moment when you most feel like giving up is the instant when you must find it in you to press ahead.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The more you know the better you will do.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The only way to deal with an unfair world is to become so absolutely free that you are very existence in the act of rebellion.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The place where your greatest discomfort lies is also the spot where your largest opportunity lives. The beliefs that disturb you, the feelings that threaten you, the projects that unnerve you and the unfoldments of your talents that the insecure part of you is resisting are precisely where you need to go to.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The quickest way out of hard emotions is to have the wisdom and courage to go straight into them. Feel them to heal them. Name them to let go of them. Put a written voice to the dark energy of life’s burdens to dissolve them.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The real purpose of commerce is not only to make your personal fortune. The true reason to be in the game is to be helpful to society.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The rich invest in time. The poor invest in money. ~Warren Buffet”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The sourness of growth is so much less expensive than the devonstating cost of regret.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The time you least feel like doing something is the best time to do it.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The way you begin your day really does determine the extent of focus, energy, excitement and excellence you bring to it. Each early morning is a page in the story that becomes your legacy. Each new dawn is a fresh chance to unleash your brilliance, unprison your potency and play in the big leagues of iconic results. You have such power within you and it reveals itself most with the first rays of daybreak.” (The 5 AM Club Quotes)
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The way you practice in private is precisely the way you’ll perform once you’re in public.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“The world’s going a little berserk. Too much greed and not enough good sense.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“There’s a ton of competition at ordinary, but there’s almost none at extraordinary. There’s never been such a glamorous opportunity to become peerless because so few people are dedicated to world-class in this age of such scattered focus, eroded values and deteriorated faith in ourselves along with the inherent primal power we hold.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Those who feel more than most people sometimes believe they have been cursed. In fact, they have been granted a gift: one that allows them to sense what others miss, experience the delights that most neglect and notice the majesty in ordinary moments. Yes, such people get hurt more easily, yet they are also the ones who create great symphonies, architect dazzling buildings and find cures for the sick.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Time away from work isn’t a waste. It’s a must. Offers a space for incubation of the very ideas that will make you a fortune.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“To find your best self you must loose your weak self.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“To find your best self you must lose your weak self. And that only happens through relentless improvement, continuous reflection and ongoing self-excavation. If you don’t keep rising daily you’ll get stuck in your life, for the rest of your life.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“To lead is to inspire others by the way that you live. And to lead is to walk through the fires of your hardest times to step up into forgiveness. To lead is to remove any form of mediocrity from infiltrating the quarters of your life in a dazzling celebration of the majesty that is your birthright. To lead is to turn your terrors into triumphs and translate each of your heartbreaks into heroism. And more than all else, to lead is to be a force for good on this tiny planet of ours.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“To regularly do that which is hard but important when it feels most uncomfortable is how warriors are born.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Too many dumb people around these days. Taking stupid fashion pictures of themselves with pouty lips in clothes they can’t afford. Hanging with people they don’t even like. I’d rather live a thoughtful life. A risky life. A real life. An artist’s life. Drives me crazy how superficial people have become.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Tragedy is nature’s great purifier. It burns away the fakeness, fear and arrogance that is of the ego. Returns us to our brilliance and genius, if you have the courage to go into that which wounds you.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Ultimately, you’re the only person you’ll be with your entire life. Why not strengthen your relationship with your greatest self, fully know your genius and start a lifetime love affair with your most noble nature?”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Unexpressed emotions will never die.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Victory demand consistency & persistency.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Walking into the very things that scare you is how you reclaim your forgotten power. And how you get back the innocence and awe you lost after childhood.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“We all have magic. Most of us don’t know how to use it.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“We are most alive when your heart beat quickest. And we are most awake when our fears scream loudest.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“We falsely believe that material from the outside will fill what’s empty within ourselves. Yet it never will.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“We need leaders, pure leaders and not narcissists obsessed with their own self-interests, as never before.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“We only hear what we’re ready to hear. All learning meets us exactly where we’re at. And as we grow greater, we understand better.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“What makes the best the best is not their genetics but their habits. And not the extent of their gifts, but the strength of their grit.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“When we are young we sacrifice our health for wealth and when we grow old and wise we realize what’s most important – and become willing to sacrifice all our wealth for even one day of good health. You never want to be the richest person in the graveyard, you know.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“When you feel like surrendering, continue. Triumph loves the relentless.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Winning without enjoying is nothing.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“With freedom, books, flowers and the moon who could not be happy? ~Oscar Wilde”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“With the better daily awareness you can make better daily choices, and with better daily choices you will start seeing better daily results.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Work on high-value activity at a time instead of relentlessly multitasking – and do so in a quite environment.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“World-Class begins where your comfort zone ends.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“You can fit in. Or you can change the world. You don’t get to do the both.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“You need to remember that your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars and your doubts are thieves.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“You really must learn how to balance working intensely and brilliantly with deep rest and recovery so you can remain fresh and strong over a long career. As you do this, you won’t blow out your gifts by hyperextending them, in the same way that some pro athletes blow out their knees – preventing them from ever playing again.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“You really must learn how to balance working intensity and brilliantly with deep rest and recovery so you can remain fresh and strong over a long career.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“You should learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Your growth happens when you are resting.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Your heart is always wiser than your head. It knows where you must be. Follow it. Trust it. You’ll find the magic.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Your influence in the world mirrors the glory, nobility, vitality and luminosity you’ve accessed in yourself. […] External always expresses internal, without always reflects within. Your creativity, productivity, prosperity, performance and impact on the planet are always a sublime expression of what’s going on inside of you.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Your past is a place to be learned from, not a home to be lived in.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
“Your sorroundings really do shape your perception, your inspiration and your implementation.”
Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club
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