to be dedicated – English translation – Linguee

rly, dedicated information systems should be set up to detect and analyse early


warning signs of potential crisis situations.

Similarmation systems shct and analyse early

imilarly, dedicated information systems should be set up to detect and analyse early


warning signs of potential crisis situations.

ystee early

The Authority therefore, at this stage of the


proceedings, considers that


the project should be looked at rather as being a dedicated facility for undertakings,


which is within


the scope of State aid control, rather than a general infrastructure (18). 2.2.

the project shed at rather as beility for undertakings,

The Authority therefore, at this stage of the


proceedings, considers that


the project should be looked at rather as being a dedicated facility for undertakings,


which is within


the scope of State aid control, rather than a general infrastructure (18). 2.2.

the projrathundertakings,

will be dedicated to provide support to the campaigns at national level.

Part of the 4.500€ will enable the coordination of the campaign at European level, while the bulkide support to the campaigns at national level.

ted to provide support to the campaigns at national level.

Part of the 4.500€ will enable the coordination of the campaign at European level, while the bulk will be dedicavide support to the campaigns at national level.

The new EHECS survey will also mean that, in the


future, it will not be necessary to carry out a dedicated four-yearly Labour


Costs Survey (LCS).

future, it willy o-yearly Labour

The new EHECS survey will also mean that, in the


future, it will not be necessary to carry out a dedicated four-yearly Labour


Costs Survey (LCS).


(179) However, in the present case the Commission has


doubts, whether the State


aids concerning the dedicated infrastructure can be considered as aid


for the provision of certain


transport services within the meaning of Article 73 EC and the implementing Regulations.

aids concerningastructureidered as aid

(179) However, in the present case the Commission has


doubts, whether the State


aids concerning the dedicated infrastructure can be considered as aid


for the provision of certain


transport services within the meaning of Article 73 EC and the implementing Regulations.

aids coas aid

In order for this market to sustain


itself, efforts dedicated to environmental protection need to be maintained.

itself, effronmental protectiontained.

In order for this market to sustain


itself, efforts dedicated to environmental protection need to be maintained.

itselfnmental protectioned.

A large part of the proposed budget for the new programme will be dedicated to the Community financial instruments.

A large part of the proposed budget for the new programmeCommunity financial instruments.

A large part of the proposed budget for the new programme will be dedicated to the Community financial instruments.

A large part of the proposed budget fw programme will be dedicated to the Community financial instruments.

For northern Africa, the European Neighbourhood Policy in general and the implementation


of the Action Plans


in particular should be supported, from 2007 onwards, by a new dedicated financial instrument,


the European Neighbourhood


and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), which will replace MEDA and other instruments currently operating in neighbouring countries.

in particular shorted, from 2007 onwancial instrument,

For northern Africa, the European Neighbourhood Policy in general and the implementation


of the Action Plans


in particular should be supported, from 2007 onwards, by a new dedicated financial instrument,


the European Neighbourhood


and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), which will replace MEDA and other instruments currently operating in neighbouring countries.

in partom 200strument,

(183) In case the State


aids concerning the dedicated infrastructure can not be considered as aid for the provision of certain transport services within the meaning of Article 73 EC and the implementing Regulations, the Commission could assess the compatibility of the infrastructure investment grants for Irish Bus and Dublin Bus directly on the legal basis according to Article 87(3)(c) of the EC Treaty, which stipulates that: »aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas, where such aid does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest«, may be considered to be compatible with the


common market.

aids concerningastructure canidered as aid for the provision of certain transport services within the meaning of Article 73 EC and the implementing Regulations, the Commission could assess the compatibility of the infrastructure investment grants for Irish Bus and Dublin Bus directly on the legal basis according to Article 87(3)(c) of the EC Treaty, which stipulates that: »aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas, where such aid does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest«,idatible with the

(183) In case the


State aids concerning the dedicated infrastructure can not be considered as aid for the provision of certain transport services within the meaning of Article 73 EC and the implementing Regulations, the Commission could assess the compatibility of the infrastructure investment grants for Irish Bus and Dublin Bus directly on the legal basis according to Article 87(3)(c) of the EC Treaty, which stipulates that: “aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas, where such aid does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest”, may be considered to be compatible with the


common market.

State aids cas aid for the provision of certain transport services within the meaning of Article 73 EC and the implementing Regulations, the Commission could assess the compatibility of the infrastructure investment grants for Irish Bus and Dublin Bus directly on the legal basis according to Article 87(3)(c) of the EC Treaty, which stipulates that: “aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas, where such aid does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interwith the

W następstwie sprawozdania Wspólnego Centrum Badawczego dotyczącego możliwości ingerencji w system tachografu cyfrowego oraz zagrożeń związanych z wprowadzeniem adapterów instalowanych w samochodach dostawczych (Report on the Attacks to Security of the Digital Tachograph and


on the Risk Associated With the


Introduction of Adaptors to be fitted into Light Vehicles)


przekazywanie danych elektronicznych


między źródłem ruchu pojazdu i czujnikiem ruchu powinno być chronione przed ingerencją, na przykład przez stosowanie magnesów, a dane dotyczące ruchu pojazdu powinny zostać potwierdzone przez dodatkowe i niezależne źródła wewnętrzne oraz zewnętrzne.

Introduction of Adaped into Light Vehicles)

Following the report provided by the Joint Research Centre (Report on the Attacks to Security of the Digital Tachograph and on the


Risk Associated With the


Introduction of Adaptors to be fitted into Light Vehicles),


the communication of electronic data


between the source of vehicle movement and the motion sensor should be protected against tampering, such as by the use of magnets, and that vehicle movement data should be corroborated by additional and independent, internal and external sources.

Introduction ofcles),

For the purpose of data collection


by all parties, a dedicated software application will be produced (based


on the existing Symmetry


system) and implemented concurrently with the start of the new programme.

by all partieware applicationuced (based

For the purpose of data collection


by all parties, a dedicated software application will be produced (based


on the existing Symmetry


system) and implemented concurrently with the start of the new programme.

by allplicat(based

awcato-be, lub kupujący, będą zainteresowani i zapraszamy do


wypełnienia formularza zgłoszeniowego, albo jeszcze


lepiej, zapraszamy do udziału w rozmowie ….

Pracodkupujący, będą zainteresowani i zapraszamy do

The employer-to-be, or buyer, will be interested and will invite you


to complete an application form; Or better still, invite


you to attend for an interview….

plor buyer, will be interinvite you

Generally, across a number of tests using international test guidelines


for measuring aerobic biodegradation under stringent test conditions,


Bisphenol A is shown to be readily biodegradable.

Bisphenol A is sily biodegradable.

Generally, across a number of tests using international test guidelines


for measuring aerobic biodegradation under stringent test conditions,


Bisphenol A is shown to be readily biodegradable.

Bisphenly biodegradable.

This disclosure is not required if the


disposal group is a newly


acquired subsidiary that meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale on acquisition.

acquired subsidiary that meets the critsified as held for sale on acquisition.

An entity discloses the amount of compensation from third


parties for items of


property, plant and equipment that were impaired, lost or given up that is included in profit or loss.

property, plauipment that were impaired, lost or given upderofit or loss.

Na zewnętrznej kopercie należy umieścić nazwę Programu, numer referencyjny naboru wniosków, wraz z tytułem i numerem


działania, pełną nazwą i adresem wnioskodawcy,


oraz słowami “Not to be opened before the


opening session” i “Proszę nie otwierać przed sesją otwarcia”.

oraz słowamied before the

The outer envelope must bear the title of the programme, reference number of the Call for Proposals, the title and number of the measure, the full name and


address of the applicant and the words


“Not to be opened before the opening session”


and “Proszę nie otwierać przed sesją otwarcia “.

“Not to bg session”

Szybko jednak zyskała uwagę mediów


karierą solową,  jako


czternastolatka została zaproszona na wywiad do magazynu “14 to Be, który poszukiwał młodych dobrze zapowiadających się



czternastolatka została zaproszona na wywiad do magazynu “który poszukiwał młodych dobrze zapowiadających się

She quickly gained attention as a solo


performer, and was chosen as one of Interview Magazine’s “14 to Be”, a pictorial featuring fourteen up-and-coming young


female stars.

performes chosen as one of Interview Magazine’s “14 to Be”, a pictorial featuring fourteeng young

EPE (Europejscy Partnerzy dla


Środowiska – to forum skupiające wielu


partnerów, w których spotykają się władze, duże i małe firmy, związki zawodowe,


instytuty badawcze, organizacje ochrony środowiska, pozarządowe organizacje konsumenckie i etyczne oraz grupy walczące o prawa człowieka.

Środowiska – wwwm skupiające wielu

EPE (European Partners for


Environment – www.epe. be) is a multi-stakeholder forum


bringing together public authorities, companies large and small, trade unions, research


institutes, environmental organisations, consumer and ethical NGOs and civil society groups.

Environment – worum

date to be inserted: one year after entry into force of this Regulation] oraz niezwłocznie powiadamiają ją o wszystkich późniejszych ich zmianach.

Państwa członkowskie powiadamiają o tych przepisach Komisję najpóźniej do dnia [rted: one year after entry into force of this Regulation] oraz niezwłocznie powiadamiają ją o wszystkich późniejszych ich zmianach.

The Member States shall notify those provisions to the Commission by [date to be inserted: one year after entry into force of this Regulation] at the latest and shall notify it without delay of any subsequent amendments affecting them.

nted to be free from manufacturing defects and


will be repaired or replaced without charge


if failure occurs within one year after date of shipment providing it has been used as recommended and in accordance with recognised piping practice, and providing it has not been worn out due to severe operating service, such as is encountered under extremely corrosive or abrasive conditions.

Each Teekay Pipe Coupling is warrafrom manufacturing defects and

Each Teekay Pipe


Coupling is warranted to be free from manufacturing defects and will be repaired


or replaced without charge


if failure occurs within one year after date of shipment providing it has been used as recommended and in accordance with recognised piping practice, and providing it has not been worn out due to severe operating service, such as is encountered under extremely corrosive or abrasive conditions.

Coupline free from manufacturing de repaired

rawa BE/2006/0433) Komisja po zakończeniu pierwszej fazy postępowania




w art. 7 ust. 3 dyrektywy 2002/21/WE zatwierdziła projekt decyzji, którą krajowy organ regulacyjny w Belgii — IBTP — zgłosił jej w dniu 7 lipca 2006 r. w odniesieniu do hurtowego rynku zakończeń połączeń w indywidualnych sieciach telefonii ruchomej i na mocy której IBTP tymczasowo postanowił uznać każdego z trzech operatorów sieci telefonii ruchomej w Belgii, w tym skarżącą, za mającego znaczną siłę rynkową na hurtowym rynku zakończeń połączeń głosowych w indywidualnych sieciach telefonii ruchomej i nałożyć na nich z tego tytułu pewne obowiązki.

Zakwestionowaną decyzją z dnia 4 sierpnia 2006 r. (sp/0433) Komisja po zakończeniu pierwszej fazy postępowania

By the contested decision of 4 August 2006 (Case BE/ 2006/0433), the Commission approved, at the end of


the first phase of enquiry


prescribed in Article 7(3) of Directive 2002/21/EC, a draft decision that the national regulatory authority of Belgium, the IBPT, had communicated to it on 7 July 2006 concerning the wholesale market for call termination on individual mobile networks in Belgium and under which the IBPT had provisionally decided that each of the three mobile network operators in Belgium, including the applicant, had significant market power on the wholesale market for voice call termination on their individual mobile networks, and to impose on them, on that basis, certain obligations.

tested decision of 4 August 2006 (Case BE/ 2006/0433)end of

For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you,


then the only way you


could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the



could satisfy both it and this License wain entirely from distribution of the

For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you,


then the only way you could


satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.

satisfy boths Licenserain entirely from distributiry.

Teraz, po ośmiu latach milczenia, Apollo wracają z nowym


krążkiem “The Future’s What It Used To Be.

krążkiem “The Future’s What It

Right now, after eight years Apollo’s back with the new


album “The Future’s what it used to be”.

album “t it used to be”.

The Client agrees to ratify and confirm everything


lawfully done or lawfully caused to be done by the Attorney under this


Power of Attorney.

lawfully done or lawfully caby the Attorney under this

The Client agrees to ratify and confirm


everything lawfully done or lawfully caused to be done by the Attorney


under this Power of Attorney.

everythinone or lawfully causeoneorney

Warsaw’s Non Central submarket is attracting a lot of interest at the moment as occupiers continue to take advantage of lower rents in quality


space, aware that the lack of speculative


developments due to be delivered over


the next 6-9 months as a result of banks still


less willing to finance new projects, will impact their choices.

developmentsvered over

Warsaw’s Non Central submarket is attracting a lot of interest at the moment as occupiers continue to take advantage of lower rents in quality


space, aware that the lack of speculative


developments due to be delivered over the


next 6-9 months as a result of banks still


less willing to finance new projects, will impact their choices.

developmver the

The report is


based on sources which we believe to be reliable, but no warranty, either


express or implied, is provided


in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information.

based on sources which we belable, but no warranty, either

e believe to be reliable, but no warranty,


either express or implied, is provided


in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information.

The report is based on sources which wt no warranty,

need to be seen in order to make sure that they are alright.

If there are other children in the family they may alsoin order to make sure that they are alright.

If there are other children in the family they may also need to be seen in order to make sure that they are alright.

(TO-BE) wraz z rekomendacjami zmian, wsparcie przy przygotowaniu business case’u oraz rekomendacja planu wdrożenia zmian, wsparcie w przygotowaniu procesu zapewnienia jakości danych o majątku sieciowym w systemach IT Klienta

Zakres projektu: analiza procesów biznesowych w zakresie zarządzania majątkiem sieciowym firmy energetycznej, wsparcie przy dokumentacji zastanego modelu procesów („AS-IS”), przygotowanie założeń do modelu docelowegowraz z rekomendacjami zmian, wsparcie przy przygotowaniu business case’u oraz rekomendacja planu wdrożenia zmian, wsparcie w przygotowaniu procesu zapewnienia jakości danych o majątku sieciowym w systemach IT Klienta

l and recommending changes, support in preparation of a business case and recommendation of a change implementation plan, support in devising a process to ensure adequate quality of the grid asset data in the client’s IT system.

Project scope: business process analysis with respect to grid asset management in a power supply company, support in documenting the AS-IS process models, defining objectives for the TO-BE modeecommending changes, support in preparation of a business case and recommendation of a change implementation plan, support in devising a process to ensure adequate quality of the grid asset data in the client’s IT system.

icy, to be applied consistently, either to include the interest cost and expected return on plan assets with interest and other financial income respectively, or to show the net total as personnel



An entity should choose an accounting polied consistently, either to include the interest cost and expected return on plan assets with interest and other financial income respectively, or to show the net total as personnel

s are recognised as an expense if the Group has made an offer of voluntary redundancy, it is probable that the offer will be accepted, and the number of acceptances can be estimated reliably.

Termination benefits for voluntary redundancieecognised as an expense iroup has made an offer of voluntary redundancy, it is probable that the offer will be accepted, and the number of acceptances can be estimated reliably.

i BE oraz dwucyfrowego numeru identyfikacyjnego wystawiającego i dziewięciocyfrowego numeru seryjnego?

1) Czy art. 3 lit. b), art. 4 ust. 2, art. 5 i art. 17 akapit drugi rozporządzenia (WE) nr 998/2003 (1 ) Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 26 maja 2003 r. w sprawie wymogów dotyczących zdrowia zwierząt, stosowanych do przemieszczania zwierząt domowych o charakterze niehandlowym, i zmieniającego dyrektywę Rady 92/65/EWG oraz artykuły i załączniki do decyzji Komisji 2003/803/WE (2 ) z dnia 26 listopada 2003 r. ustanawiającej wzór paszportu do celu wewnątrzwspólnotowego przemieszczania psów, kotów i fretek stoją na przeszkodzie przepisom krajowym, które, jeśli chodzi o paszporty dla kotów i fretek zawierają odesłanie do przewidzianych we wspomnianej decyzji Komisji z dnia 26 listopada 2003 r. wzoru i dodatkowych wymogów, lecz stanowią ponadto, że każdy paszport musi posiadać jednolity trzynastocyfrowy numer składający się z kodu ISO dla Belgiraz dwucyfrowego numeru identyfikacyjnego wystawiającego i dziewięciocyfrowego numeru seryjnego?

Do Articles 3(b), 4(2), 5 and the second subparagraph of Article 17 of Regulation 998/2003/EC (1 ) of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 May 2003 on the animal health requirements applicable to the non commercial movement of pet animals and amending Council Directive 92/65/EEC and the articles and annexes of Commission Decision 2003/803/EC (2 ) of 26 November 2003 establishing a model passport for the intra-Community movements of dogs, cats and ferrets preclude national legislation in regard to the passport for cats and ferrets which refers to the model and the additional requirements laid down in the aforementioned Commission Decision of 26 November 2003, yet in addition prescribes that every passport must bear a unique number consisting of thirteen characters, namely, ‘BE’, the ISO code for Belgium, followed by the identification number of the distributor consisting of two digits, and a serial number consisting of nine digits?

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