Tom Riddle Rejected All These Anagrams For ‘Voldemort,’ And It’s Really Too Bad

In the Harry Potter series, it’s explained that Tom Riddle, the troubled youth who would grow to become the most feared wizard of all time, invented his evil pseudonym as an anagram. Tom Marvolo Riddle becomes “I Am Lord Voldemort.”

What isn’t explained is how many other rearrangements young Riddle optioned before settling on the one we know so well.

Having gleefully discovered the words “dildo” and “lover” buried in Riddle’s name, apparently, artist Katie Rose and writer Dan Abromowitz set out to answer that question for Potter fans. (The graphic below was posted back in 2012, but is now making the Internet rounds again, to our delight.)

We’ve transcribed the rejected anagrams below:

Lord Earldom Vomit

Motor Marvel Dildo

Immortal Love Rodd

Mortal Dildo Mover

Marmot Dildo Lover

Dildo Lover Rat-Mom

I Am Loved Old Mr. Ort

Mild Doormat Lover

Dermal Drool Vomit

Old Immortal Lover

Mild Moor, Dad Lover

Vim Troll, Dad Romeo

Marmot Drool Devil

Mr. Tom A. Dildolover

Rev. Tom “Dildo” Molar

Tom, Dildo-Ram Lover


Mr. T. O. Dildo Remover

Dildo-Mom, Art Lover

Interestingly, when Rose and Abromowitz’s graphic was originally posted to Reddit, commenters pointed out how the anagram also works in several different languages.

In Danish, “Romeo G. Detlev, Jr.” rearranges to “Jeg Er Voldemort,” or “I Am Voldemort.” In Spanish, “Tom Sorvolo Ryddle” becomes “Soy Lord Voldemort,” and German speakers have “Tom Vorlost Riddle,” which morphs into “Ist Lord Voldemort,” like the original English version. If you’re a French reader, our young wizard becomes “Tom Elvis Jedusor,” which then turns into “Je Suis Voldemort.”

But probably none of them have Dildo Lover Rat-Mom, and that’s what makes English so great.

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