Vinhome Aqua 4 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – reviews, prices | Planet of Hotels

Apartment Vinhome Aqua 4 is ideally situated at can ho vinhome aqua 4 aqua 4 in District 1 district of Ho Chi Minh City in 1.6 km from the centre.

Infrastructure and services description of Vinhome Aqua 4

Those who travel by car are provided with parking lots. The accommodation has free access to the Internet. You can pay using these types of bank cards: Visa.

Accommodation staff talk in Vietnamese.

About accommodation

There is only one room type – apartment. Here are proposed facilities such as air conditioning, washing machine, flat-screen tv, terrace.

You will enjoy a view from your window. Accommodation also provides unique facilities for guests: private pool.

Book Vinhome Aqua 4 online

You can book Apartment Vinhome Aqua 4 right now with the help of our website. Within a couple of minutes, the instant booking confirmation is already in your e-mail’s inbox.

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