Ilex Aquifolium ‘Alaska’ – Holly ‘Alaska’ |

The Ilex Aquifolium Alaska is very similar to its relative the Ilex Aquifolium. However, the Ilex Alaska grows cone-shaped and is much more resistant to cold temperatures. Furthermore, the plant is evergreen and there is always something to see in your garden. If it is not the colors, it will be birds, bees and butterflies. And you will not find people and animals that do not belong in your garden. This is because the shrub is almost impenetrable and does not inviting to crawl through it because of the spiky leaves.

Ilex Aquifolium Alaska (Ilex Alaska)

The leaves of Ilex Aquifolium Alaska are leathery, shiny and spiky. With this hedge plant you create a somewhat classier hedge. The plant remains green all year round and white flowers will bloom in May and June. From September to March, striking red berries appear, which you know from Christmas. If you are a fan of Christmas, the Ilex Aquifolium Alaska should not be missing in your garden.

This shrub can be found in nature all over the world. Both in the tropics and in regions with a moderate temperature. In the Netherlands too. However, it does not grow in the western part of North America and Australia.

Why choose a hedge from Ilex Aquifolium Alaska?

  • The Alaska holly has a beautiful appearance.
  • The plant is very strong.
  • It stays green all year round.
  • You can create high and low hedges.
  • In May and June the Ilex Alaska gets white and nice smelling flowers. Because of this there are always bees and butterflies.
  • Red berries appear on the branches from September to March. You can use these for Christmas pieces or other decorations. They also attract birds. So there is always something happening in your garden.
  • Maintenance is quite simple. Only the serrated leaves make it a bit more difficult. Tip: put on gloves and a sweater or shirt with long sleeves.

When is the best time to plant the Ilex Alaska hedge?

You can plant the Ilex Aquifolium Alaska between September and May. Note: do not plant the shrubs when it is freezing.

How do you plant an Alaska holly?

  1. Remove the weeds where you are going to put the plant. The plant itself needs the moisture and nutrients.
  2. Dig a trench that is at least 35 cm wide and 50 cm deep. Stretch a rope between two sticks beforehand to allign the plants in a straight line.
  3. Put a little potting compost in the trench.
  4. Put some of the excavated soil on the potting soil. The roots like this loose soil.
  5. Place the hedge plants along the trench where you want them.
  6. Good distribution? Place the Ilex Aquifolium Alaska upright and in the center of the trench.
  7. Fill the trench with soil and press firmly.
  8. Give the plants enough water. Repeat this until they start to grow.


The Ilex Aquifolium Alaska hedge can be placed anywhere: in the sun, partial shade or shade.

The plant likes to be in moist soil. Water twice a week during dry, warm periods. Not that much, because the roots can rot if the soil is too wet.

Plant the hedge in nutritious, slightly acidic soil.


This holly can grow to about 5 to 6 meters high. The plants therefore need enough space to grow. Plant three to five plants per linear meter.

The plant only grows 15 to 20 cm annually. So you do not often have to remove the pruning shears from the garden house or garage. Patience is a virtue and that certainly applies to the Ilex Aquifolium Alaska. It takes a while before you have a high and dense hedge.

Advice & Care

  • Give the Ilex Aquifolium Alaska enough water. Note: it does not like it when you give too much water.
  • Prune once a year. Do you want a narrow hedge? In that case we recommend that you prune twice a year, preferably in April and September.
  • Prune with pruning shears. Do this in cloudy weather. Not in full sunlight, because then the leaves can burn.
  • Tip: put on gloves and protective clothing (long shirt or sweater) before pruning, the spikes are quite sharp.
  • The holly does need some help to stay healthy and strong. Fertilize in the spring with special hedge fertilizer. This also stimulates growth and prevents the plants from getting sick or receiving pests.

Treating Known Conditions of Ilex Aquifolium Alaska

The Alaska holly is known for its good health. It is therefore not susceptible to (fungal) diseases or pests. Keep it healthy by fertilizing it annually.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Ilex Aquifolium Alaska


  • The Ilex Alaska grows almost everywhere. In any type of soil, but also in the sun, shade, partial shade, in wet or dry soil.
  • It is evergreen.
  • The plant can withstand cold temperatures.
  • Beautiful, red berries appear from September to March.
  • There is plenty to see in your garden. The flowers in spring attract butterflies and bees. And birds cannot ignore the red berries.
  • The shrub tolerates (rigorous) pruning very well.
  • The spiky leaves keep uninvited people and animals out of your garden.


  • You will not have a dense hedge overnight. You need patience.
  • The red berries and leaves of the Ilex Alaska are poisonous. Keep this in mind for small children and pets in your garden.
  • The spiky leaves will not make it easy to mainten. But if you dress accordingly, it is not that bad.


There is always color and vibrancy in your garden when you plant the beautiful Ilex Aquifolium Alaska. The evergreen hedge gets white flowers and when toe flowers stop blooming it gets red berries. You can imagine that they attract a whole arsenal of animals, such as birds, bees and butterflies. What you will not find in your garden are people and animals that you do not like. That’s an advantage of this holly’s spiky leaves. No one is going to crawl through this dense hedge. So quiet and very safe.

Are you convinced yet? Order these beautiful hedge plants. If you have any questions or doubts? Please contact Haagplanten Heijnen.

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