Tribal Programs
Mục Lục
Medicaid and the Tribal Health Care Delivery System
The State’s relationship with the Tribes is a commitment to improving the health status of Alaska Native people. The Alaska Medicaid Tribal Health Program recognizes the importance of the tribal health care system in providing access to care as essential to the viability of the Medicaid Program for all Alaskans.
Goals and Objectives:
In order to improve the health status of Alaska Native people and maximize federal Medicaid funding, the Department:
Advocates for enhanced federal funding for American Indians and Alaska Natives under Medicaid for all services and contract health referrals made by the Tribes.
Provides funding for the tribal health care delivery system.
Supports the infrastructure development of the Tribal health care delivery system.
Collaborates with the Tribes on various initiatives and Department programs.
The partnership between Tribal Health Organizations and the State is invaluable for services to beneficiaries.
Important Updates:
February 26, 2016 – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released
November 20, 2015 – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is updating its policy regarding the circumstances in which 100 percent federal funding would be available for services furnished to Medicaid-eligible American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) individuals through facilities of the Indian Health Service (IHS) or Tribes.
– The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released State Health Official letter #16-002 which revises payment policy with respect to services provided to Medicaid-eligible AI/AN beneficiaries “received through” an IHS/Tribal facility and expands the scope and nature of services that qualify for the 100% Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP). Please refer to the letter here – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is updating its policy regarding the circumstances in which 100 percent federal funding would be available for services furnished to Medicaid-eligible American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) individuals through facilities of the Indian Health Service (IHS) or Tribes.
For more information, please visit the
The State of Alaska appreciates the opportunity to respond to CMS’s proposed changes to define and allow flexibility for the terms, “Medicaid Services “Received Through” an Indian Health Service (IHS)/Tribal Facility. The State is in strong support of CMS’s intent to revise interpretation of Section 1905(b) of the Social Security Act. The concepts under consideration have the potential to improve access to necessary care and care coordination for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN).For more information, please visit the Medicaid Services “Received Through” an Indian Health Service/Tribal Facility: A Request for Comment page and, more specifically,
Alaska’s Comments